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This year I decided to put up a small artificial tree in the hope that my six-month old kittens would not find it too interesting. At first, they posed under the tree looking sweet and innocent. A few minutes later, Clancy decided to take a closer look at the lightbulbs and started to chew on…
Posted in: Holidays -
By now energy-efficient lighting is hardly a new concept. You’ve likely heard of energy-saving bulbs, seen them in someone’s home, and maybe even tried buying some. However, energy-efficient lighting has come a very long way in recent years. Gone are the days of odd-looking bulbs, turning on the lights and having to wait a couple…
Insect fragments, lead dust, pesticides, pollen, dust mites, animal dander, human skin flakes, or fungal spores are just some what makes up your household dust. This means that between 30 to 40 percent of the dust inside your household has been brought in from the outdoor world. This can be tracked in from dust on…
We have all been spending more time at home lately due to COVID-19. Most schools are still utilizing virtual learning at home in some way or another as part of their safety protocol to limit the spread of the virus. These virtual learning days may minimize exposure for the children to the coronavirus, but could…
As we spend more time inside our homes, our concerns about indoor air quality are magnified. The air inside your home is more polluted than the outside air and can negatively impact you. Your health impacts depend on the types of pollutants in your air, how often you breathe them, and your current health. People…
Many of us are spending more time in our homes. During this time, you could be thinking about ways to make your space cleaner, including the indoor air you breathe. What first comes to mind to most people is indoor plants. But before you head straight to the plant nursery, there are a few things…
Posted in: indoor environment -
Have you thought of the importance of safety when using an extension cord? Extension cords deliver power right where we need it— if the lamp isn’t close enough to the wall or floor outlet, we just plug it into an extension cord. It is important to remember that convenience should never overrule safety. Below are…
Every year, the holiday season brings joy, fellowship, and an extra 1 million tons of waste per week to our landfills. Yes, you read that correctly: Americans create an additional 1 million tons of waste per week during the holiday season. No matter what your holiday season may look like, you can help tackle this…
The holiday season is a joyous time to gather with family and friends. It can also be a busy time of gift shopping, preparing your infamous green bean casserole, or hosting extended family and friends. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, your pets, who many times are part of the family, may…
Gift giving is an uphill battle that only seems to intensify with age, especially when shopping for older adults. Buying for those who are not able to buy for themselves takes some creative thinking. Here are some ideas to get you started. Connect them to a local senior center and financially contribute to their outings…
The 8 inches of rain that fell in the past two days highlighted the leaks in my gutters and downspouts. Obviously, they aren’t doing their job of taking the water away from my home. These leaks can damage the woodwork, siding, foundation, and lead to wet basements and crawl spaces. The water can even seep…
Posted in: Uncategorized -
Early this morning I was watering my flowers when I saw two fawns resting under the azaleas in the front yard. When they walked they were still wobbly, so they were probably born today. It was a wonderful reminder of the softer side of life. There is something magical about babies. Of course these adorable…
Posted in: Environment -
As you purchase gifts now and throughout the year, give gifts that improve the health and safety of the people you care about. There are many gift ideas that do not cost a lot and encourage safe behaviors. Below are some ideas to get you thinking. Children Select toys that are appropriate for the child’s…
It is raining acorns! Every day and night I hear acorns bouncing off my roof. Instinctively both the cat and I duck for fear of being hit on the head by a flying acorn. A single oak tree can produce thousands of acorns in one season. The acorns end up landing on the outside walkways…
Hurricane Michael impacted thousands in southwest Georgia, along with Florida, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Many are still waiting for the power to be restored. Recovery from any natural disaster takes time. When returning to your home there are an overwhelming number of things to deal with. The purpose of this blog is to…
Whenever I see an old unused building like this one it makes me sad. There are so many possibilities, assuming it would not cost more to make repairs than to build a new building. This old fortress looking building is one of many structures in the Citadelle Petersberg in Erfurt, Germany. It is one of the…
Visiting Sweden I discovered many interesting things, including the fact that there are many Swedish innovations. I did not know that the metal bottle cap was invented here, or that the author of Pippi Longstockings was from Sweden. Of course we all know about IKEA. But did you know that the person who created it…
June 5 is World Environment Day. This year the focus is on what each one of us can do to reduce plastic waste. Half of all the plastic we produce is single-use or disposable. Bottles are the most common type of plastic waste. Worldwide we buy 1 million plastic bottles every minute and less than…
Forty-eight years ago the first Earth Day was observed. We have made some positive changes including phasing lead out of gasoline, removing asbestos from many products, and improving regulations on health and environment impacts of pesticides. This year the focus is on reducing single-use plastics. Each year around 300 million tons of plastic go into the items we…
Would you like to live a little greener and healthier? With a few minor changes you can make your home a healthier place to live. Place a doormat in front of every exterior door and leave your shoes at the door. These two actions reduce the contaminants you are tracking into your home on the…
When it comes to Valentine’s Day, you may think staying green would be hard. Well, don’t worry your little eco-friendly heart. I have searched the web far and wide to bring you some amazing green Valentine’s Day tips that will leave not only your loved one feeling loved but Mother Nature feeling special as well.…
How does an adapted southerner survive a holiday where the thermometer hovers around 15 degrees F (-9 C)? When the sun is shining and there is no wind, it is beautiful! The snow sparkles in the sun and it looks deceivingly warm outside. At least the houses are generally nice and warm inside. The majority…
Still looking for gifts? Here are some gift ideas that focus on keeping individuals and families safe and healthy in their homes. These suggestions encompass the eight principles of a healthy home. Learn more about making your home healthy and safe at Keep your home safe Slippers with non-skid soles to prevent slips and…
I am thankful for the opportunity I had in September to enjoy the wonderful tradition of cows descending from pastures in the Austrian, German and Swiss alps. For many years cows, sheep, goats and horses have spent summers grazing on the alps. As the weather turns cold, they are herded down to the valley amidst…
- has helpful information on preparing for a hurricane. Below are some quick tips you may not have thought about. Start running your ice maker now and bagging the ice in freezer bags. Fill as much space in between your freezer items as you can. Keeping your freezer full helps to regulate the temperature inside.…
Hopefully you got to experience the solar eclipse on August 21. If you missed it, the next eclipse visible in the U.S. will be on April 8, 2024. That’s only 7 years from now. So, now what happens to your glasses? The best thing to do is to donate them to Astronomers Without Borders. They…
A garage sale is a great way to share your treasures with others. You benefit by decluttering your home, and earning a few dollars. Each year the second Saturday in August is designated as National Garage Sale Day. If that weekend doesn’t work for you, find another day or participate in a community garage or yard sale,…
Lead can be found in many places in and around your home.If you live in a home built before 1978, there may be lead in the paint. Over time it can chip or peel off contaminating the soil around your home. If you are concerned about lead in the soil around your home, you can…
This morning I stopped by the The Trial Gardens at UGA for the open house. As always the plants are beautiful and unique. Even though it is a research garden, it is an inviting and peaceful place to relax in the midst of the busy campus. If you haven’t been there you really should stop…
Celebrate holidays, birthdays and other special events with greener parties. Start by sending invitations via email. If you mail invitations, create them from old cards and postcards you bought and never got around to sending out. Below are some other things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment. Decorations – Use items…
Before you can do anything, it’s important to understand what sustainability means and why it is important. There are many thoughts and discussions on this topic. One of the more widely used definitions is from the 1987 United Nations (UN) Brundtland Commission, which defined sustainable development as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising…
In Ireland I saw several buildings with thatched roofs and they made me smile. I always thought it would be fun to spend the night in a cottage with a thatched roof until someone in Ireland said the reason there are 4 poster beds with canopies in thatched cottages was to keep the mice, insects,…
Around with world people are finding ways to turn the destruction caused by major storms into something beautiful. Hurricane Ike struck Galveston, Texas, in 2008, bringing with it a 6 to 15 foot surge of salt water the led to the death of around 35,000 trees, including some 50-100 year old live oaks. Most of the…
I’m excited to announce the opportunity to present your research, teaching and/or outreach at the Housing Education and Research Association (HERA) Annual Conference in Lowell, Massachusetts on October 8-11, 2017. This year’s conference theme is: “The Beat Goes On: From Boardinghouses to Gen Alpha.” HERA is a small dynamic organization of research, teaching and outreach professionals…
Posted in: Housing -
The recent tornadoes across the southern states impacted thousands of individuals, families and businesses, especially in Georgia and Mississippi. Returning home can be emotionally and physically challenging. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and your family. Children are especially vulnerable and will benefit from establishing a routine, or “new normal.” You…
The tiny house movement continues to expand in Australia as more people are exploring smaller house options. The interest comes from a variety of factors, including a lack of decent affordable housing for those entering the housing market for the first time as well as an interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Australian houses are…
Thanksgiving is a holiday where everyone gets to sit by the dinner table and spend the night eating with friends and family. It makes you appreciate what you have and who truly makes you feel thankful. While you’re at the dinner table with turkey and dressing, there may be something sinister lurking about in your…
Posted in: indoor environment -
What an interesting world we live in. On the bus today the man across the aisle from me spent the one hour ride to the Australia Zoo looking down at this phone texting. Granted there isn’t a lot to see on a motorway, but you can still look out and appreciate the trees, flowers and…
Healthy housing is an issue of concern around the globe. The Healthy Housing 2016 conference in Brisbane provides an opportunity to share research on the indoor environment and sustainable design. This is the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings (ICEERB 2016) and my colleague and I were pleased to share our work…
In a few days I am flying back to where this blog had it’s beginning in 2012 – Australia! Over the past years we have grown and changed. My fellow blogger is retired and now it is just me, but I still maintain the same goal – to provide trustworthy resources to help people live healthier…
With Halloween coming around the corner there are plenty of scares around every turn. People all around the neighborhood are decorating their homes to look frightening and spooky to prepare for the holiday, but what if I told you that your house could easily be the scariest around? What could make your house the spookiest…
Posted in: Uncategorized -
When you walk through Yellowstone National Park you can hear the energy from the earth bubbling up all around you. There are over 10,000 thermal features in Yellowstone. It’s amazing! This is geothermal energy, a great source of renewable energy. Geothermal isn’t widely used. In the United States, geothermal energy accounts for less than one…
At the end of a busy summer I find myself needing to “declutter” my brain. This year I decided a good place for me to start is to take control of my home. I am not a hoarder, but I have a lot of stuff and it feels like it has taken over every room…
Learn more about how you can reduce the health risks associated with radon, carbon monoxide and asbestos in child care environments. Childhood diseases and injuries associated with unhealthy environments cost us $54.9 billion annually. This includes lead poisoning, neurobehavioral disorders, asthma, childhood cancer and accidents in the home. Because of their size, stage of development…
Have you ever thought about what you bring into your home on the bottoms of your shoes? You may be tracking in insect fragments, lead dust, pesticides, pollen, pet hair, fungal spores, cigarette ash, or even human skin flakes. Now think of your children playing on the carpeting you just walked across. Since they are…
Everyone can carve out 5 minutes each day to keep yourself and your family healthy. You may need to make trade-offs, but it will be worth it. Here are five things you can do to make your home safer and healthier. Program the poison control number (1-800-222-1222) into your cell phone. Inspect your door locks and…
Every day in the United States, about 130,000 computers are thrown away. The recyclable material that makes up a computer includes plastic, metal, and glass. Even the attachments you use with your computer can be recycled, like the keyboard, the mouse, the computer speakers, external hard drives, printers and scanners. While most electronics can be…
Composting is a fun and easy way to live a little greener and boost the nutrient value of your soil. Start with a compost bin. This can be stationary or rotating. The key is to periodically turn the materials inside to aid the decay process by providing oxygen. The more the bin retains heat and moisture, the…