Whenever I see an old unused building like this one it makes me sad. There are so many possibilities, assuming it would not cost more to make repairs than to build a new building. This old fortress looking building is one of many structures in the Citadelle Petersberg in Erfurt, Germany. It is one of the…
Lighting choices are changing. We all have to switch our thinking from WATTS to LUMENS. Your 60 Watt bulb produces 800 Lumens of light. Watts are a measure of energy consumed, not light produced. For more info on choosing lighting go to:
Get ready to feel really good about young people. This video is a snapshot of Teens As Planners (TAP) a service-learning and dropout prevention programing developed and implemented by UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences. Through TAP youth have the opportunity to grow and become caring contributing members of society. The teens in this…
When my husband and I married we were both college students and money was always earmarked for the books, lab fees, and tuition – furniture and household items were either hand-me-downs or finds. We furnished our first home at Oklahoma State University from grandma’s toss-aways and things found on the curb. When I think back…
Posted in: Challenge, community, Conservation, Environment, Family, Green Living, Neighborhoods, Sustainability, Working Together -
I just finished watching Bill Moyers’s interview of Biologist, mother and activist Sandra Steingraber. This made me stop and think about how I approach my life as an activist, my life as an educator, my life as a Change Agent. in the video Ms. Steingraber discussed how we all have a different set of skills…
When I was a child my family would spend Memorial Day at one of our family graveyards. I know this may sound morbid but I remember it as a happy place. Park-like the place was filled with trees, flowers and areas of sun and shade. We would arrive with buckets, brushes, shears, pruners, brooms, hoes,…
Posted in: Charitable Giving, Climate Change, Conservation, Energy, Environment, Family, Giving, Green burials, Green Living, Holidays, Sustainability, Uncategorized -
Is it supposed to snow on May Day? I just returned from a conference on energy in Fort Collins, Colorado. The hosts did a wonderful job showcasing all four seasons. The first few days were close to 80 (great for solar power). Then there was rain, which provided some relief from the drought. Finally, over…
When we think of a “green roof” most of us conjure up images of trees and vegetables on top of a tall building in a city or maybe a sod roof with a goat grazing on it. Green roofs are much more than that. I learned a lot about green roofs on a webinar taught…
There are some simple things you can do to become a more environmentally conscious consumer. Watch the video for some things you can do to reduce waste and save you money. Take the Shades of Green quiz on the UGA GreenWay website.
There are seventeen houses on the end of my street. We get together for block parties to celebrate new babies, graduations, start of summer, and when one of use moves. We have a shared yard sale and we even pet sit for each other. I would say I live in a caring neighborhood with for…
Is your cat watching the warm air in your home leak out around the front door? This infrared photo shows air leakage around the front door of my home. Does this look like your house? You don’t need an infrared camera to check to see if you have air leaking around your doors and windows. …
I am writing this blog posting on my birthday, so I will take this opportunity to wish myself a happy birthday. : ) Now on to the topic. I have been looking forward to sharing what I learned at an energy workshop I recently attended in Montana. It was great! Colleagues in Cooperative Extension from…
Posted in: Conservation