Up Coming Events: Winter Forage Field Day at Packer Park Farm. This event will be held at the Packer Park Farm next to the Colquitt County High School. It starts at 11 am and will conclude with lunch at the Colquitt County Extension office. If you are interested in attending please contact the Colquitt County…
G. David Buntin, University of Georgia, Grain Crop Entomologist The Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, can cause severe damage to wheat production throughout the southern United States. In spring of 2023, we had a serious outbreak of Hessian fly in wheat across the southern United States and Coastal Plain region of Georgia. Infestations varied but it…
Peanuts: The peanut crop ranges from 90 days to digging. Dry weather is in the forecast and local growers are starting to irrigate again. Late leaf spot is being noticed in some fields. Foliage feeding caterpillar activity has been decreasing around the county. Hull Scrape clinics will be held this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from…
Another exciting week in Colquitt County agriculture! The UGA Corn Short Course and Peanut Farm Show was held this past week. The Colquitt County Extension office is hosting two production meetings this coming week. Growers can also attend The Georgia Cotton Commission Annual Meeting and UGA Cotton Production Workshop and the Ag Forecast this week.…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Economics, Economics & Policy, Entolomogy, Irrigation, Meetings, Precision Ag, Small Grains, Weed Managment, Wheat -
Merry Christmas from the Colquitt County Extension office!! The office will be closed for the holidays from December 23, 2022 and will reopen on January 3, 2023. Colquitt County is considered moderate drought according to the latest US Drought Monitor. The latest Drought Monitor was released on December 15, 2022. According to NOAA, temperatures are…
Current Situation: Dry conditions continue in Colquitt County. According to the latest drought monitor, most parts of Colquitt County are considered abnormally dry, and the south east portion is considered to be in moderate drought. The dry weather is great for the cotton and peanut harvests. I have been hearing about better cotton yields from…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Economics, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Pesticides, Small Grains, Wheat -
Last week was another exciting week in agriculture in Colquitt County. The peanut harvest and cotton defoliation is coming to an end. Colquitt County is classified as abnormally dry according to the last drought monitor. This is great for cotton and peanut harvests, but livestock producers are struggling with planting winter annual forages. The crop…
Posted in: Agribusiness, Beef Cattle, Cotton, Economics, GA Cattlemen’s, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Marketing, Meetings, Peanuts, Small Grains, Wheat -
The latest drought monitor was released on June 2, 2002. It shows that Colquitt County is still abnormally dry and the weather forecast is showing hot, dry conditions in the near future. Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, has informed county Extension agents today (June 5, 2022) that soybean rust has been found in Lowndes…
Current Situation: Happy Friday the 13th!! Dry conditions have set in over the last couple of weeks. According to the UGA Weather Network, the Moultrie location recorded 1.07 inches of rain over the last 31 days. The last drought monitor was released on May 12, 2022 and shows that Colquitt County is experiencing abnormally dry…
Current Situation: Cotton and peanut planting has begun in the area. The forecast for the next few days includes highs in the 80’s and lows in the 50’s and 60’s and dryer conditions. The corn crop ranges from V1 to V6 and is growing quickly. Growers are starting to irrigate both corn and wheat. The…