The 2021 UGA Virtual Peanut Production Meeting is offered below. This meeting has been broken down into individual presenters and their presentations which are all offered below. Bryan Tucker with the Georgia Peanut Commissions shares an update Dr. Scott Monfort UGA Peanut Agronomist shares new and updated peanut production information for the 2021 season Dr.…
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Dr. Eric Proskto, UGA Peanut Weed Specialist, educated County Agents on the weed control programs of the 2018 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club growers at a Row Crop Weed Management Training back in December. It is really interesting to see what type of production practices these 15 growers implemented in their peanut production systems. Their average…
Posted in: Peanuts -
Pam Knox mentioned that chances of heavy rain go up slightly as tropical cyclone becomes better organized this up coming week. In her blog post, she mentions that the rainfall that is expected over the next week has increased slightly as the area of low pressure in the western Gulf becomes more organized. The low,…
Dr. Bob Kemeriat, UGA Extension Specialist Late-season disease recommendations for a peanut crop are often confusing. Reasons for this include A) digging/harvest dates are not “set in stone”, B) the incidence of one disease versus another affects choice of fungicides, C) disease can be cryptic, as in the case of underground white mold, D) there…
Cotton: The cotton crop is progressing fast. Growers could be defoliating earlier planted cotton in not-so-distant future. There is a peanut maturity and cotton defoliation meeting being held this week. Whitefly populations have increased dramatically over the last couple of weeks due to the dry weather. Below are last week’s trap numbers from and…
It was another exciting week in Colquitt County agriculture. A good rain will sure help cotton and peanut growers. The cotton defoliation and peanut maturity meeting is coming up on August 29, 2024. Below is the crop progress and condition of the Georgia cotton and peanut crop as of August 11, 2024. This report comes…
Up coming events The deadline for the Southeastern Hay contest is approaching. Important Updates Rules & ENTRY FORM (PDF) Colquitt County Cotton Defoliation and Peanut Maturity Update is scheduled to be held on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at the Colquitt County Extension office starting at noon. If you would like to attend please call Kristina…
Posted in: Corn, Cotton, Hay & Forages, Irrigation, Meetings, Peanuts, Plant Pathology, weather, Weed Managment -
Current Situation: Rain over the last week has ranged from 0.5 to 3 inches. The accumulated rainfall for last week is in the illustration below. The forecast for this week shows an increased chance for rain. Cotton crop ranges from third week of squaring to 5th week of bloom. Southern rust was found in Colquitt…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Corn, Cotton, Hay & Forages, Peanuts, Plant Pathology, Small Grains, Weed Managment -
The cotton crop ranges from 2 leaf to the 4th week of bloom. The corn crop ranges from blister to 3/4 milk line. Lesser corn stalk borer and foliage feeding caterpillers are reported in peanuts. A couple reports of whitefly in cotton. The drought monitor was released on July 3, 2024. The drought monitor statistics…
Current Situation: Rain over the past week has been a blessing. Lesser corn stalk borers have been to topic in peanuts. Cotton is being side-dressed with nitrogen. The corn crop ranges from blister stage to ½ milk line. The illustration below shows rainfall amounts for last Saturday. Rainfall amounts ranged from under an inch to…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Entolomogy, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Marketing, Peanuts, weather, Weed Managment -
Current Situation: It does not take long for dry weather to set in. Cotton crop ranges from 1 leaf to 2nd week of bloom. Plant bug populations are building in some fields. Lesser cornstalk borer has been a topic of conversation among peanut growers. The corn crop has reached peak water requirements during this hot…
EPISODE 15, Season 2 In this episode, Dr. Scott Monfort talked peanuts with Dr. Glen Harris, Dr. Scott Tubbs, Dr. Mark Abney, and Dr. Wes Porter. The peanut team continued to talk about the ongoing planting season, deer damage and insects. You can listen to this episode here.
Posted in: Peanuts