GA Cattlemen’s
In this issue: Production meetings! The snow this past week. Peanut variety yield data. Cold weather and your winter grazing. Pruning pecan trees after year five. We have two production meetings in Colquitt County next week!! The Colquitt County Peanut meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan 27, 2025 at noon. The Colquitt County Row Crop…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, GA Cattlemen’s, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Meetings, Peanuts, Pecans, Small Grains -
Current Situation: It has been an interesting week in Colquitt County agriculture. The dicamba situation has been the topic of discussion in the industry. All I can say is to stay tuned. I have been getting questions about oats and other small grains. Small grains range from Feekes Stage 4 to jointing. Below is a…
It is Expo week! Please come down and attend the North America’s Premier Farm Show in Moultrie. This is a great place to visit with Extension, industry and other people with an interest agriculture. The weather is supposed to be great for this annual event. Events include announcing the winners for the Sunbelt Expo Southeastern…
Last week was another exciting week in agriculture in Colquitt County. The peanut harvest and cotton defoliation is coming to an end. Colquitt County is classified as abnormally dry according to the last drought monitor. This is great for cotton and peanut harvests, but livestock producers are struggling with planting winter annual forages. The crop…
Posted in: Agribusiness, Beef Cattle, Cotton, Economics, GA Cattlemen’s, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Marketing, Meetings, Peanuts, Small Grains, Wheat -
If you would like to register for this event please go HERE. IF you have any questions please contact your local county agent.
This time of year I get phone calls, txt messages and office visits from concerned people about stinging nettle or fireweed (Urtica chamaedryoides) and how to control it in area hayfields and pastures. Fireweed leaves look similar to strawberry leaves. This pest has square stems and small pale green flower clusters. Small stinging hairs are…
Dr. Patrick McCullough, UGA Forage Weed Specialist, has informed us that we have received supplemental labels for Prowl H2O (pendimethalin) that will expand uses for preemergence weed control in pastures and hayfields. Some highlights from this update for growers in Georgia include: Labeled species now include tall fescue, orchardgrass, bromegrass, and other cool-season forage…
Below is an article about Hay Storage, by Jeremy Kichler, Colquitt County Extension agent, that was used in the March 2016 UGA Forage Team Newsletter. Hay is a big expense for cattle operations and keeping the expense down requires hay to be stored efficiently and cost effectively. A lot of hay harvested in Georgia is…
Below are a few words from Dr. Dennis Hancock, UGA Forage Specialist, about the fertilization strategies for winter annual forages. Yet again, the weather is making farming a high stakes game of chance. We had a very wet end to the summer growing season (in most areas) and this resulted in the leaching out of almost…