In this issue: Production meetings! The snow this past week. Peanut variety yield data. Cold weather and your winter grazing. Pruning pecan trees after year five. We have two production meetings in Colquitt County next week!! The Colquitt County Peanut meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan 27, 2025 at noon. The Colquitt County Row Crop…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, GA Cattlemen’s, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Meetings, Peanuts, Pecans, Small Grains -
The cotton crop ranges from 2 leaf to the 4th week of bloom. The corn crop ranges from blister to 3/4 milk line. Lesser corn stalk borer and foliage feeding caterpillers are reported in peanuts. A couple reports of whitefly in cotton. The drought monitor was released on July 3, 2024. The drought monitor statistics…
Current Situation: Rain over the past week has been a blessing. Lesser corn stalk borers have been to topic in peanuts. Cotton is being side-dressed with nitrogen. The corn crop ranges from blister stage to ½ milk line. The illustration below shows rainfall amounts for last Saturday. Rainfall amounts ranged from under an inch to…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Entolomogy, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Marketing, Peanuts, weather, Weed Managment -
Up Coming Events: Winter Forage Field Day at Packer Park Farm. This event will be held at the Packer Park Farm next to the Colquitt County High School. It starts at 11 am and will conclude with lunch at the Colquitt County Extension office. If you are interested in attending please contact the Colquitt County…
Current Situation: Dry conditions continue in Colquitt County. According to the latest drought monitor, most parts of Colquitt County are considered abnormally dry, and the south east portion is considered to be in moderate drought. The dry weather is great for the cotton and peanut harvests. I have been hearing about better cotton yields from…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Economics, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Pesticides, Small Grains, Wheat -
Last week was another exciting week in agriculture in Colquitt County. The peanut harvest and cotton defoliation is coming to an end. Colquitt County is classified as abnormally dry according to the last drought monitor. This is great for cotton and peanut harvests, but livestock producers are struggling with planting winter annual forages. The crop…
Posted in: Agribusiness, Beef Cattle, Cotton, Economics, GA Cattlemen’s, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Marketing, Meetings, Peanuts, Small Grains, Wheat -
Friday, March 18, 2022 11:30 AM – Pineboro Farms — 5094 Old Adel Road, Moultrie, GA 31788 CCA, CEU, and Pesticide Credits Offered Lunch sponsored by Colquitt County Farm Bureau PLEASE RSVP – 229-616-7455
•Growers need to keep in mind about the quality of bermudagrass and bahia. The forage quality declines rapidly from now to frost. Keep an eye on heifers and supplement as needed. • Take stock of your hay supply so additional cuttings or purchases can be made. (Send samples in for analysis.) • Keep a close…
Reminders… Start feeding a high magnesium mineral supplement 30 days before cattle are turned in on winter grazing. MINERAL SUPPLIMENTS FOR BEEF CATTLE Bull sale season is starting. Evaluate your herd bulls and start looking if you need a new bull BULL BUYING GUIDE If you are fall calving then remember that a cow’s nutrient…
If you would like to see the latest Colquitt County Beef Cattle and Forage newsletter it can be seen at the link below. In This Issue Beef Herd Expansion Possibilities How Much N Should I Put on My Winter Forages? Breeding-Soundness Examination Video Summary of the 2017 Sunbelt Ag Expo – Grassman vlog 1705