Pam Knox mentioned that chances of heavy rain go up slightly as tropical cyclone becomes better organized this up coming week. In her blog post, she mentions that the rainfall that is expected over the next week has increased slightly as the area of low pressure in the western Gulf becomes more organized. The low,…
Articles in this month’s issue include: http://www.ugacotton.com/vault/file/September-Cotton-Team-Newsletter.pdf
Cotton: The cotton crop is progressing fast. Growers could be defoliating earlier planted cotton in not-so-distant future. There is a peanut maturity and cotton defoliation meeting being held this week. Whitefly populations have increased dramatically over the last couple of weeks due to the dry weather. Below are last week’s trap numbers from stopwhite.org and…
I have been getting a question or two about fall armyworms in hayfields and pastures. The threshold for foliage feeding caterpillars in forages is 3 caterpillars per square foot that are 1/2 inch or longer. Below is information from Drs. Buntin, Hudson and Baxter about army worms. If you have any questions contact your local…
The cotton crop ranges from 2 leaf to the 4th week of bloom. The corn crop ranges from blister to 3/4 milk line. Lesser corn stalk borer and foliage feeding caterpillers are reported in peanuts. A couple reports of whitefly in cotton. The drought monitor was released on July 3, 2024. The drought monitor statistics…
Current Situation: Rain over the past week has been a blessing. Lesser corn stalk borers have been to topic in peanuts. Cotton is being side-dressed with nitrogen. The corn crop ranges from blister stage to ½ milk line. The illustration below shows rainfall amounts for last Saturday. Rainfall amounts ranged from under an inch to…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Entolomogy, Hay & Forages, Livestock, Marketing, Peanuts, weather, Weed Managment -
Current Situation: It does not take long for dry weather to set in. Cotton crop ranges from 1 leaf to 2nd week of bloom. Plant bug populations are building in some fields. Lesser cornstalk borer has been a topic of conversation among peanut growers. The corn crop has reached peak water requirements during this hot…
Topics included in the Southeast Georgia Pecan Press newsletter include: I have received a question or two about drift on pecan trees. The “Herbicide Injury of Pecan” publication has good information on this subject. In this blog post, Dr. Wells explains what is most likely to happen in these situations along with his and Dr.…
The following is from Dr. Mark Abney’s blog post from the UGA Peanut Entomology blog this past week. I have received numerous calls about managing thrips in peanuts. This is real timely information as peanut growers continue to plant the peanut crop. Peanut planting season is well underway in Georgia, and the insect issue of…
Current Situation: Cotton and peanut planting is in high gear. Rainfall amounts over the weekend in Colquitt County ranged from 0.25 to over 2 inches. The illustration below shows rainfall estimates for the area. The corn crop ranges from 1 leaf to V8, and there have been numerous questions about yellow corn. Grasshoppers in strip…