Weed Science
Many growers have been attending our crop production meetings in January and February. We have one more planned meeting on March 21 at 12:00 noon – Worth County Extension Row Crop Disease meeting. Some hard copies of production guides are available now at the Worth County Extension office, but if you would like to access…
Posted in: Agronomics, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Small Grains, Soybean, Vegetable Production, Weed Science -
The Using Pesticides Wisely training dates are now set! Please read the following information closely for the requirements, or see the attached document below. The 2023 training is required for all growers and applicators that are applying Engenia, XtendiMax, or Tavium. If you have questions, please contact us at the Worth County Extension Office. 1.…
Individuals that attended and signed in at the Worth County Extension Row Crop Weed Management meeting on February 3, 2022, or one of the approved weed control meetings (listed in the table at the bottom) have received credit for Using Pesticides Wisely training and do not need to attend an additional UPW training. Worth County…
USING PESTICIDES WISELY for Georgia 2022 – Worth County All applicators driving the tractor/sprayer applying these herbicides (Engenia, Tavium, XtendiMax) must attend UPW during 2022 prior to using these products! Worth County Extension will offer UPW trainings at 11:00 a.m. on the following dates: Wednesday Friday March 16, 2022 March 18, 2022 – – –…
(Dr. Bob Kemerait) Caution is the Better Part of Valor After several weeks of unseasonably warm and often dry weather, the rains and cold weather are back for the rest of the week. From a disease management standpoint growers should be careful about getting in too big a hurry to plant. The kind of weather we have…
Worth County Peanut Production Meeting The Worth County Extension Peanut Production meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 24, 2022. We look forward to getting the latest peanut information from Dr. Scott Monfort and Dr. Mark Abney. Remember that Pesticide Recertification credit hours and Certified Crop Advisor CEU credits will be available at…
Posted in: Agriculture, Corn, Cotton, Economics, Meetings, Peanuts, Small Grains, Soybean, Weed Science -
Following is the latest information on weed control in wheat, UGA Programs for Controlling Ryegrass and Wild Radish in 2021/2022 Wheat. There are good programs to consider in your weed management. For other questions, please contact your local County Extension Office.
Since the last update, we have gone from very dry to wet. Much needed rains have moved through the county over the last week. In visiting with growers throughout the county, it looks like we received anywhere from around 1 inch in some areas and up to 6 or more inches, and it is raining…
Posted in: Agriculture, Agronomics, Corn, Cotton, Insects, Peanuts, Plant Pathology, Soybean, Weed Science -
Continued hot and dry conditions have put stress on our crops to this point. Hopefully, we will see some rainfall in the near future to relieve the pressure on the crops and on your irrigating schedule. Disease update – As of today, there has still been NO southern corn rust confirmed in Georgia. Much of…
The Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) Training opportunities began this week. There are still many opportunities for growers and applicators to register and attend training. We encourage individuals to train virtually at home or office when possible. If anyone does not have access to computer or internet access, please call us at the Worth County Extension…