Worth County Extension hosted the Extension Cotton Production meeting last Friday, February 7th. Growers received the latest information on cotton varieties, deer damage to cotton (research), insect pest management, and an update from the GA Cotton Commission. We appreciate Dr. Camp Hand and Dr. Phillip Roberts from the UGA Cotton Team sharing cotton production information.…
The 2025 Georgia Peanut Farm Show is scheduled for Thursday, January 16, at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, GA. The show opens at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. Peanut farmers and those involved in the peanut industry will be able to learn more about the latest products, services and peanut…
The 2024 Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance’s Annual Meeting and Cover Crop Field Day will be held in Americus, Georgia, at the USDA Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. The meeting will start at 10 am with registration and conclude at 2 pm. UGA Extension Specialists, Dr. Stanley Culpepper and Dr. Taylor…
UGA Southeast Research and Education Center Field Day – Wednesday, August 9 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Midville, GA CCA credits and GA Pesticide CEU’s in Category 10 and 21 credits are available. Visit the website for more information: Location: Southeast GA Research and Education Center, 9638 Highway 56 South, Midville, GA…
CORN Much of the field corn is planted and on its way. As it progresses, irrigation scheduling will help in maximizing growth and yield. Following is the water use graph and a weekly use chart to assist in determining the crop needs. Scheduling methods can vary from farm to farm, but it is important to…
The final training opportunities for Using Pesticides Wisely dicamba training are listed below. There are only 5 trainings left. ALL applicators must be trained according to the federal labels for Engenia, XtendiMax, and Tavium. Georgia growers/applicators must complete the 2023 UPW classroom training at one of the locations. Using Pesticides Wisely – Georgia 2023. Many…
The 2023 Georgia Clean Day Event scheduled for March 29, 2023 in Coffee County has been postponed. Some of our Worth County residents have already picked up the event information and pre-registration forms. We will notify and have information available, once a date is rescheduled. Following is a statement from the Georgia Department of Agriculture:…
We are looking forward to seeing you at some of these upcoming meetings and events listed below. Upcoming Worth County Extension Production Meetings Other Worth County Meetings and Events Other Meetings of Interest “All About the Pod” podcast If you have not heard this, you don’t want to miss it. Our own Macie Wheeler, UGA…
Conditions are very dry! As Hurricane Ian turned east, we missed what could have been excessive rain and winds at a critical time of harvest. However, no rains for the last 3 to 4 weeks, and winds from the storm have resulted in extremely dry conditions. This weather is favorable for cotton picking and for…
There is an NGO that is petitioning the US EPA to revoke all food tolerances for the organophosphate class of chemistry. See the article below for details and to share comments with the EPA. Peanut Maturity Clinics We have been set up at the Extension office to check peanut maturity samples. Beginning on Tuesday, September…