We have a couple more production meeting dates for growers. The Peanut Production meeting is February 27th at 6:00 p.m. Then on March 6th, we will host piggy-back meetings of Row Crop Irrigation at 11:00 a.m., followed by Row Crop Disease Management meeting at 12:30 p.m. See the flyer below for details. Please contact the…
Many of the winter production meetings for Worth County producers are happening in February. We look forward to seeing you soon at some of these meetings. Next Friday is the next one – Worth County Extension Cotton Production Meeting. This meeting was rescheduled due to the snowy conditions last week. See the flyer below for…
Due to wintry weather, our Worth County Extension Cotton Production meeting was postponed this week. We have rescheduled the cotton meeting for February 7, 2025. Please see the updated flyer with our production meeting dates. If we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension, please let us know. University of Georgia is an Equal…
Please see the flyer below with the meeting schedule for the 2025 grower production meetings and mark your calendar. We look forward to this time of year when growers and Extension personnel can share the latest, research-based information. Contact the Worth County Extension Office at 229-776-8216 to RSVP. If we can be of assistance at…
The 2023 mid-year meeting of the GA Cotton Commission and UGA Cotton Pre-Harvest Workshop will be Wednesday, July 26, in Statesboro, Georgia. Cotton producers and other cotton interests are encouraged to pre-register or call (478) 988-4235 for the meeting by July 14. Topics will include a crop update, defoliation considerations, economics, pest management, farm bill…
CORN Much of the field corn is planted and on its way. As it progresses, irrigation scheduling will help in maximizing growth and yield. Following is the water use graph and a weekly use chart to assist in determining the crop needs. Scheduling methods can vary from farm to farm, but it is important to…
By Wesley Porter, Extension Precision Ag and Irrigation Specialist, UGA & David Hall, Extension Water Educator, UGA Similar to May of 2019 which was very hot and dry, we had some very hot and dry weather during May of 2021, dry enough that we had to apply some small irrigation events to our young peanut…
Things are hot and dry in the county right now. Minimal rain, if any, has fallen in parts of the county recently, so irrigation has been running. Hope to see more rain soon – keep praying! Following is a summary on July irrigation from the UGA Irrigation Team members (Dr. Wes Porter, Cale Cloud, and…
Corn in the county is maturing and reaching later stages in production. Following is some information on general water needs and use of corn at growth stages when the crop nears full maturity. Many times the question is asked, “When do I stop irrigating my corn crop?” Some fields are nearing the final stages of…
Peanut growers can benefit from the following article on irrigation for peanuts by David Hall, Cale Cloud, and Wesley Porter (UGA Extension Irrigation Team). Unlike 2019 which was very hot and dry during May and June, 2020 has been cooler and wetter. We’ve received almost adequate, if not adequate rainfall to get the crop through…