Cover Crop
The Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance Annual Meeting will be held on February 18th and 19th in Tifton at ABAC’s Georgia Museum of Agriculture (Agrirama). See the flyer for registration and lodging information, and for the slate of speakers. For more information contact (229) 314-0196 or email: If we can be of assistance at Worth…
The 2024 Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance’s Annual Meeting and Cover Crop Field Day will be held in Americus, Georgia, at the USDA Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. The meeting will start at 10 am with registration and conclude at 2 pm. UGA Extension Specialists, Dr. Stanley Culpepper and Dr. Taylor…
Georgia Clean Day The Georgia Pesticide Clean Day will be on May 3, 2022. The event will be held in Houston County at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, GA. This event is free and open to all statewide commercial/private applicators, commercial contractors, and the pest control industry. It is open to all private/commercial applicators…
The UGA Beginner’s Pecan Course will be on June 15, 2021 in-person at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center. This course is held every other year and covers all you need to know about pecan production including production costs, cultivar selection, fertilization, irrigation, cultural management, insect, disease, and weed control, equipment, and market overview. The…
Following is a press release from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regarding the Pandemic Assistance for Producers. Contact your local USDA service center for more information. (Washington, DC, June 1, 2021) – Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture…
There has been a few questions on weed control in oats. In oats, there is not as many good options as there are with wheat. Oats can be more easily damaged. Before Christmas is the best timing to focus on weed control and we usually need to get weeds such as wild radish while it…
Listed below is some information obtained from Dr. Prostko (UGA Weed Scientist) on Cadre (imazapic) carryover and oats. Cadre is used on a large percentage of peanut acres in Georgia. “The official labeled rotation restriction for oats after an application of Cadre is 18 months!” ” Field research conducted in Georgia indicated that the rotation…
Pictured below is the 2019-2020 quick guide for ryegrass and wild radish control in wheat from Dr. Stanley Culpepper (UGA Weed Scientist).
Please read below from Rome Ethredge (UGA Interim Grain Agronomist) on wheat planting tips. Wheat Planting Time The optimum window for wheat planting for grain in Georgia is typically within one week before or after the average first frost date for a given area. Planting during the appropriate time for your area will allow wheat…
Attached below is a PDF file for the 2019-2020 UGA Wheat Production Guide Please give us a call with any questions or concerns about your small grain/cover crop that you may have. 2019-2020-Wheat-Production-Guide