Georgia Clean Day
The Georgia Pesticide Clean Day will be on May 3, 2022. The event will be held in Houston County at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, GA. This event is free and open to all statewide commercial/private applicators, commercial contractors, and the pest control industry. It is open to all private/commercial applicators and commercial contractors with an understanding the event is designed/intended for farmers, lawn care, golf courses, and pest control companies statewide. Individuals wishing to participate in the program must fill out a pre-registration form and return it to Rick Hayes, Clean Day Waste Coordinator, by April 28, 2022, by 4:00pm. This information is necessary to plan for the collection, transportation, and disposal of the waste pesticides collected. For more information or to get a pre-registration form, contact your local Extension Office.
Cover Crop Field Day
There is an upcoming 2022 Terrell County Cover Crop Field Day in Dawson, Georgia on Wednesday, May 4th. See the flyer below for details.

If we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension, please let us know.