Paraquat Training Webinars (online)
Certified applicators must successfully complete an EPA-approved training program before mixing, loading, and/or applying paraquat, as required by the EPA’s Paraquat Dichloride Human Health Mitigation Decision. Training is required every 3 years. The training provides important information about paraquat’s toxicity, new label requirements and restrictions, and the consequences of misuse.
If an applicator needs the paraquat training, then there are several webinar and in-person opportunities soon at no charge.
Dr. Bart Clewis, Syngenta’s Senior Stewardship Manager, will be presenting 2 free webinars next week. The dates and times of these webinars are listed below.
Using Pesticides Wisely Trainings (in person classroom training)
The final training dates for the Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) in-crop dicamba trainings are near. Prior to applying these dicamba products (Engenia, Xtendimax, and Tavium) in 2024, ALL applicators must be trained according to the federal labels. In Georgia, applicators must complete the 2024 UPW classroom training with locations provided below. On-line trainings WILL NOT be available.
As mandated by federal labels, one must hold a private or commercial pesticide applicator license to purchase and use the restricted use herbicides Engenia, XtendiMax, and Tavium. Use is limited to ONLY those persons holding a private or commercial applicator certification. It is no longer permissible for non-certified applicators to apply these products under the direct supervision of the certified applicator.
If we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension, please let us know.