Know Your Risk and Plan for It
Planting of cotton and peanuts is still progressing in the county. Many fields have been planted already. We have been encouraging the use of risk models for peanuts for quite some time now, and there is also a risk model for cotton.
Peanut Rx is available online for anyone to use. Just go to: for the interactive version. This tool can help any grower determine their risk through a point system of different variables for the crop. Check it out online at Peanut Rx. Also, below are the Peanut Rx sheets with the many fungicide programs that are available to growers from the chemical manufacturers.
For cotton, there is a risk model developed by NC State. The model calculates thrips risk for a specific location, planting date, and shows the risk over the last five years. Go to: to use this interactive Thrips Infestation Predictor for Cotton.
Early Season Weed Control Programs for Peanuts/Soybeans/Corn and Cotton
Weed control programs for cotton and peanuts are available to you. Many of the one-page handouts were distributed at our farmer production meetings in January, February, and March. If you would like a hard copy of the weed control programs for peanuts, corn, soybeans, or for cotton, just stop by the Worth County Extension office and pick one up. You can view these programs below.
The mention of trade names in this blog does not imply endorsement by the Georgia Extension Service, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.
If we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension, please let us know.