Weed Science
The only pecan trees in Wilcox County to have budbreak is the little seedlings or saplings growing in the ditch. We are very close though. In any case, it’s time to burn down those herbicide strips in our orchards in preparation for the growing season. There are many combinations of herbicide applications you could use.…
We almost got behind on sidedressing because of the rain, but we needed the rain. We were trying to decide if we should split our sidedressing or not. In many fields, we had good tillering anyway. In other fields, triticale and oats have “taken off” and UGA Grain Agronomist Dr. Regan Noland said to just go…
UGA Extension Weed Scientist Dr. Eric Prostko is sharing information concerning a few inquiries on controlling bermudagrass prior to planting various row crops. An established stand of bermudagrass can be very difficult to manage. When dealing with bermudagrass burndowns, glyphosate rate and time of application are crucial. Here are a few points to consider: 1) When applying glyphosate in…
Posted in: Weed Science -
We talk about herbicides and their behavior in warm temperatures, but what about cold? UGA Extesion Weed Scientist Dr. Erik Prostko has this to say: Growers who have sprayed certain POST systemic herbicides (i.e. Roundup, Poast, Select) over the last 15 days are likely to observe slower and/or reduced performance due to the cold weather. …
Posted in: Weed Science -
Thanks to Jeff Cook, County Agent in Peach/Taylor: With new regulations going into place for the 2018 growing season, now may be a good time to make some adjustments on your pesticide sprayer. Label requirements for the new Dicamba (Engenia, XtendiMax, or Fexapan) or the 2,4-D (Enlist Duo or Enlist One) technology will force growers…
We’ve had 3/10″ of rain so far with the cold front. This is really going to help our grazing crops get going. One thing we need to think about now is weed control. UGA Extension Weed Scientist Dr. Stanley Culpepper says we need to get our weed control done by Christmas. Once we get to February, it’ll be…