It’s been a slow season for our winter forage. We had another 2 inches of rain this week. It is just very wet and hard to do anything in the field. The fall rains affected our forage by not allowing it to get off to a good start. This is mostly from soil saturation and…
Our winter wheat situation is unique and good at the same time. Lots of our wheat fields were planted in October for the purpose of cover crop. All of these were of course broadcast. Due to the timing and the look of other things, growers have decided to carry it out to grain. At this…
Lots of peanuts look yellow in the fields this time of year. We looked at these peanuts in the southwest part of the county this week that were about as large of a yellow spot as I’ve seen. It is not unusual to see a little Manganese (Mn) deficiency this time of the year. UGA…
Our corn is done in the county and waiting to be harvested. The crop looks good since mid summer rains supply lots of needed water. New corn agronomist Dr. Reagan Nolan did a trial comparing fertilizer applied and nutrients taken up by the plant. It was great that he got many of us county agents…
The most common question after these large rain events is have I lost all of my cotton fertilizer, and will I have to start over? UGA Extension Soil Scientist Dr. Glen Harris has provided some information on this topic: May planted cotton could have lost some pre-plant Nitrogen and Sulfur. What should we do? Consider early sidedress…
Our oldest beans in the county are blooming and we discussed insects we need to scout and potential nutrients. Lima Bean & Snap Beans Lima and snap beans are pretty much the same with insects at bloom. We just scout for caterpillars, stink bugs and thrips. For thrips, check blooms now. If we have 2 or 3…
These are first year pecans planted here in the county that are showing severe symptoms of nickel (Ni) deficiency, called ‘Mouse Ear.’ Mouse ear mostly occurs on very young trees. I first looked at this at a nursery in Thomas County. Once the leaves come out, the symptoms are easier to diagnose. (More pictures below). Right now,…
We’ve officially hit budbreak this week in our pecans. This is the same 4-year-old Ellis pecans where we had the pruning clinic. This is the time we start our first fertilizer applications. Managing nitrogen in pecans is meeting to demand periods 1)early foliage growth and 2) kernel filling. N in Irrigated Orchards The “rule of…
We’ve been talking about herbicides in small grain, but now is time to sidedress. The most N our small grain needs 130 lbs, but 100 will do in most cases. We do not put all N out in the fall because we do not want plants to grow too much which will injury head during…