A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • A word from Dr. Stewart: We are expecting extreme cold conditions over the next couple of days. Here are a few tips to help cattle through this stretch, especially for those that have started the calving season. Windbreak: This may be the biggest factor to help cattle get through the extreme wind chill we will…

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  • This past weekend was the state livestock show, and Wilcox County had great representation there. There was also a local show and ag day before kids took off for Perry. The Wilcox County Livestock Show had 7 pigs and 6 heifers and 1 goat. Young Farmer Advisor Ira Tucker and FFA teacher Addie Tucker helped…

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  • Grass Tetany

    Grass tetany is an issue with magnesium in cattle nutrition. We talked about this some last year. Now is the time when this generally becomes an issue. Here is some detailed information put together by UGA Beef Specialist Dr. Lawton Stewart and North Carolina State Beef Specialist Dr. Deidre Harmon: What is grass tetany and…

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  • Lawton Stewart, Extension Animal Scientist, UGA Roger Gates, Whitfield County Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent, UGA Cooperative Extension This year has proved to be quite an interesting one.  Most producers were able to put up plenty of hay.  However, due to average to above average rainfall, a large proportion of the hay produced was harvested…

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  • This year many of our farmers were recognized for different awards, both state and national. We have so much diversity in agriculture in Wilcox County and many, many great farmers and operations. I wanted to put together a post sharing their work and our appreciation for our wonderful farmers who represent our county so well. Donnie…

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  • Steve Morgan, County Agent in Harris County There are many important components in a successful livestock production system. One of the most important tasks in grazing management is understanding livestock stocking rate. It is critical in making timely management decisions that affect profits in beef cattle production. The optimum number of animals on a pasture…

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  • Our new FFA teacher Addie Tucker is doing a great job in Wilcox County. She worked with us, the high school and middle school and her parents and students to put together a local livestock show. They invited all the middle school kids so they could get to see students show their animals and how they work with…

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  • Grass Tetany

    As we move through the winter, we need to pay attention to a magnesium deficiency in cows. Grass tetany usually occurs after a period of cold weather and high levels of nitrogen and potassium fertilization. It occurs on forage with low Mg availability. The most susceptible livestock are mature lactating cows. It’s a metabolic disorder that can…

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