Small Grain
From Rome Ethredge: Irrigating Wheat and other Small grains We know that small grains yield better with a dry sunny spring but we can benefit from irrigation at times, especially during grain fill. Dr. Wes Porter, UGA, says he normally recommends ET replacement on small grains and this time of year we are at or…
By Rome Ethredge Looks like we will have a few cold mornings that may affect our small grains and any corn that’s up. Hopefully the time it stays cold will be short and with warm soils we won’t be hurt much. And we aren’t in the most susceptible timeframe in very much of our grain, between…
From Rome Ethredge Corn planting getting going now although moisture is short in some areas and some preplant watering is having to happen. Lots of ways to do it but grower here using pop up fertilizer 2×2 (2 inches over and 2 inches below the seed) and Velum in furrow for nematode suppression. Oat and…
I’ve been following our small grain crops in the county. We have wheat fields initially planted for cover back in October. This ended up being the best time to plant grain since we were soaking wet in November and December. These fields were treated for weeds, then sidedressed and they are completely headed out now.…
Our winter wheat situation is unique and good at the same time. Lots of our wheat fields were planted in October for the purpose of cover crop. All of these were of course broadcast. Due to the timing and the look of other things, growers have decided to carry it out to grain. At this…
We don’t have as much small grain planted this year, but wanted to update the weed control nonetheless. With our small grains planted for grain or seed, and considering a normal planting, we need to get our weed control done by Christmas. Once we get to February, it’ll be too late to manage ryegrass and…
Posted in: Small Grain -
Here is one of the newer AGS varieties of wheat that it’s getting really close to harvest. Where in the dough stage right now and we need just a little bit more dry time before we get it out of the field. Of course we don’t need these cloudy days as well as rain…
Posted in: Small Grain -
Our small grain is booting now and starting to see it heading out pretty good in some fields. We don’t have much wheat for grain in Wilcox, but this wheat field in Dooly County was hit hard with powdery mildew on March 1st. Generally we don’t have to treat for powdery mildew. It hits about late…
We almost got behind on sidedressing because of the rain, but we needed the rain. We were trying to decide if we should split our sidedressing or not. In many fields, we had good tillering anyway. In other fields, triticale and oats have “taken off” and UGA Grain Agronomist Dr. Regan Noland said to just go…
We’ve been talking about herbicides in small grain, but now is time to sidedress. The most N our small grain needs 130 lbs, but 100 will do in most cases. We do not put all N out in the fall because we do not want plants to grow too much which will injury head during…