We are digging peanuts and if anything we could use a good inch of rain. Some places are getting pretty hard and growers will have a time trying to get these dug up. Peanuts that were bedded are having less trouble. The good news is that so far grades are looking good. Most grades are…
Posted in: Peanuts -
I wanted to share some photos of an insect we are seeing more in our row crops and even some vegetables. It is called the Garden Flea Hopper and looks more like a tiny cricket. On the image below, it is seen on this peanut leaf. Notice the ‘stippling’ on the leaves. This is feeding…
Posted in: Peanuts -
Lots of peanuts look yellow in the fields this time of year. We looked at these peanuts in the southwest part of the county this week that were about as large of a yellow spot as I’ve seen. It is not unusual to see a little Manganese (Mn) deficiency this time of the year. UGA…
I’ve already gotten started on checking peanut maturity, and the crop is looking good. Even though we’ve had lots of rain, some dryland fields are spotty – rain on one side of the field and not the other. Everything I’ve checked so far is 06G. The profiles look good and uniform. The soonest to dig…
Posted in: Peanuts -
12Y peanuts are known for having some good disease resistance, and we plant a good bit of 12Y here in Wilcox County. They are real good against white mold, and leaf Spot is not too bad. Here is a great looking field of 12Y peanuts just below Abbeville that have had so much rain the…
This year many of our farmers were recognized for different awards, both state and national. We have so much diversity in agriculture in Wilcox County and many, many great farmers and operations. I wanted to put together a post sharing their work and our appreciation for our wonderful farmers who represent our county so well. Donnie…
Yesterday I came across some mycelium in the peanut field in Abbeville that turned out to be false white mold. There are no BB’s or sclerotia present as in real white mold. Every year we see some of this in fields. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it. UGA Extension Pathologist Dr. Bob Kemerait…
I’m seeing quite a few insects in peanuts and we are getting damage from caterpillars now. This does not mean we are need to automatically spray. The first thing we need to do is scout our fields before we make spray decisions. There are still lots of beneficial insects out there that are helping us out.…
Peanuts are looking good in the county. These here are approaching 60 – 65 days and pods are developing really well. You can also see it was an even flower set. Pegs that are still coming on look good as well. No sign of white mold here, but we are having some pigweed issues. We…
This is what our peanuts look like in Wilcox County right now. Seeing a little early leaf spot and caterpillar feeding. But on the note of fertility, It has been said, “If it don’t rain, it don’t matter.” We are putting out landplaster in peanuts now to supplement calcium. If we don’t have enough calcium, we get…
Posted in: Peanuts