A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • Southern Corn Rust has showed up in the last week or so and is present in at least 3 counties. It is scattered through the state and could be present anywhere. Our corn in Wilcox County is pushing to the dough stage, but no quite there. When do we treat for Southern Rust? UGA Extension…

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  • Each year, UGA Extension Entomologist Dr. Michael Toews updates us on our stored grain protectants as we get close to harvesting grain. Here is the most recent news: Empty Bin Treatments Centynal EC – This is a good product for treating empty bins and elevator boots.  Note that the active ingredient in Centynal EC, Defense…

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  • Here is our corn in the field. It is silking now and may have less issues than any other crop right now. Sunshine is helping with pollination. Silks come out of the husks over 3 to 5 days. These individual silks continue to grow for about 7 days or until it finds a pollen grain.…

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  • Corn Disease Update

    This is what our corn looks like in the field right now. Some in the county is already tasseling. I’m mostly seeing little spots of herbicide drift. This is from the gramoxone we put behind the planter. It won’t hurt the corn. Southern Corn Rust has also not been found in the state yet. In Irwin and Seminole…

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  • This is a really big week for us in the field, not only with planting but with rain and subsequent disease. We are seeing some seedling disease in Wilcox County but definitely less than 3%. Here is a row crop disease update from UGA Extension Pathologist Dr. Bob Kemerait: To date, no soybean rust has…

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  • Corn At V7

    With our cool temperatures, growth has slowed us down a lot with our produce and corn. But this week corn is growing with warm days and sunny skies giving us some Heat Units. This corn is right at the V7 growth stage. Much of the yield is determined at V6. The number of rows of…

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