We are getting set to transplant this week and next. We have most of our plastic on the ground and it is much dryer this year than it was this time last year. We got some weed control questions and here are some things to look at:
Transplant Small-Bed Mulch Weed Program
For small bed plastic, our standard program from UGA Extension Weed Scientist Dr. Stanley Culpepper is to start by broadcasting Reflex, Sinbar and Curbit. If we have any weeds up, we can add glyphosate or gramoxone. Keep in mind, if we use glyphosate, suggest at least 5 days before planting. Of course, 0.5″ of rain/irrigation to remove herbicide from mulch before transplant.
For us, we like to come back with the plow followed by Dual Magnum in the row middle. Keep in mind, we can use glyphosate or gramoxone under the hood, but if you can keep it off the plant, you are doing good. I feel like our best thing here in Wilcox is plowing FB Dual and/or Treflan. If we use Treflan, walk the pivot RIGHT behind it. Add Sandea for nutsedge, and check label for plant back for whichever crop.
Questions this week
What is rate of Sinbar? 3-4 oz / A. If we go over 4 oz, we can have issues with carryover. (Also, 8 oz rate there is injury concern if planted into it.)
What option for nutsedge if we don’t use Reflex? We have situations were plastic is laid AND nutsedge has come up through plastic and in middles before transplanting. Since Reflex could not be used, we have few options. The best we can do now is high rate of glyphosate (2 quarts), FB Gramoxone 5 – 7 days later. (The gramoxone may not fit the transplant schedule, but would be best if you could.) By this time, we will lose 1/3 of our yellow herbicide, so could add some back.