UGA Extension Pathologist Dr. Bob Kemerait visited us for our Peanut Production Update. He talked about the decisions that we have to make before the furrow closes. Thanks to Turner County Agent Will Gay who put together this information on these decisions concerning Velum Total and Thimet:
- Velum Total (imidacloprid + fluopyram): Two facts on imidacloprid – it is a good systemic insecticide on thrips and very easy to mix with other in-furrow treatments, such as a liquid inoculant. Fluopyram is a fungicide that has good activity on nematodes. When a seed treatment fungicide is used in combination with Velum Total, there is no need for an additional chemistry, like Abound, for seedling disease. When looking at nematode control, Velum Total has performed as well as Aglogic 15G (aldicarb) in many trials across the state…
- Thimet is the only insecticide that reduces tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). It also provides good thrips control. If you are highly concerned with TSWV due to variety choices or an early planting date, then Thimet is your only option for TSWV.