Some people are so hard to buy gifts for that you end up giving them something they won’t ever use or that they don’t really want. Sometimes a practical gift added to something fun is the way to go. This year think of ways to give something that will keep those you love safe.
Bicycle Helmet. This is a great gift for a child or adult who like bicycling. Look for one with a CPSC sticker. That means it meets the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets. Read more from the CPSC on selecting a safety helmet.
Car Emergency Kit. Everyone needs a safety kit in their vehicle, especially during the cold winter months. Remember to include a tool for breaking a car window and cutting the seatbelt if needed.

Give the gift of light. Every home needs at least one flashlight. It is good to have a small one by the bed and a larger one in the kitchen or garage. Flashlights on key chains are a great way to see the keyhole at night. Night lights are another great gift, especially for older adults who may get up during the night. They don’t cost a lot to buy or use. Some of the LED lights cost less than $1.00 to operate for an entire year. Add lighting along the sidewalk and steps. Solar pathway lights are a great gift for homeowners. You could also give a solar powered motion activated light to place near the garage or entryway.
Home Safety. Every home needs at least one working smoke alarm. A study of smoke alarms found that the ionization alarms worked bet for flaming fires and photoelectric alarms provide faster notification when it is a smoldering fire. A carbon monoxide alarm is also a great gift. Of course, everyone needs to test their home for radon. Give radon test kits this year. Every home needs a doormat. A good quality doormat made of recycled materials is a great way to reduce what you track in on the bottom of your shoes. You could add to it a pair of non-skip slippers or shoes and encourage the recipient to remove their shoes at the door. You can reduce 60% of the outdoor contaminants you track in on your shoes by adding a doormat by the exterior doors and removing your shoes and leaving them at the door. Watch this fun video on removing your shoes.

Older Adults: Each year one in every three adults 65 and older falls. Many of these falls can be prevented. Great gift ideas are: slippers with non-slip soles, nightlight, flashlight, coupon for a home security system, silicone oven mitt, kitchen tools with easy grip handles, and my favorite – a Handybar, which is a device that provides support for getting into and out of an automobile. Use the UGA Home Safety checklist to see if there are more ways to make your home safer.
Here are some more safety gift ideas and a checklist to help you find gifts that will help to keep your loved ones safe: (1) Flameless candles; (2) First aid kit; (3) Fire extinguisher; (4) Battery operated radio; (5) Weather radio; and (6) Safety covers for outlets.

Note: This blog was originally posted three years ago. I have updated it and included some new safety gift ideas.
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