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If calcium is deficient in developing tomato fruits, an irreversible condition known as blossom-end rot will develop. Blossom-end rot occurs when cell wall calcium is deficient during early fruit development, and results in cell wall membrane collapse. Blossom end rot is a physiological disorder of tomatoes and not caused by a plant disease. Symptoms include…
Question: Is it safe to use hay and manure in my vegetable garden? NO! That’s the short answer I’ve finally settled on with all the calls and plant samples our office has had to troubleshoot from vegetable gardens in recent weeks. Please help tell your friends and neighbors they’re probably better off not using hay…
The local Extension office has received numerous calls in recent weeks about warm-season lawns that are struggling to green-up this spring. Based on conversations with my colleagues, this appears to be a wide spread issue throughout North Georgia. What we are observing is that some lawns are very patchy and thin as well as being…
Every summer, we receive a lot of calls about holes in the leaves of ornamental cherry trees and other related fruit trees. Generally, when you think of holes in the leaves of a tree, you automatically assume that it was caused by some sort of chewing insect such as a beetle or caterpillar. Although these…
Paul Pugliese shares common myths related to agriculture practices in relation to pollinators for Pollinator Week.
Paul Pugilese, UGA Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents in Bartow County talks about starting a garden, and how to involves your kids in the process.
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Brown rot is one of the most common and damaging fungal diseases of peaches in Georgia. In most years, all of the ripening fruit can be lost to this disease on unsprayed trees. The severity of the disease can vary from year to year depending on the amount of moisture and humidity. Brown rot attacks…
Come learn about best practices to keep food safe during COVID-19, from the farm to the market.