
  • Fall and early winter are an excellent time to make some mathematical adjustments to your landscape.  As deciduous plants enter into a dormant phase, they have less demands for water and nutrients since they don’t have leaves to support for the next few months.  Even though evergreen plants still have leaves that are actively photosynthesizing…

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  • Question: Is it safe to use hay and manure in my vegetable garden? NO!  That’s the short answer I’ve finally settled on with all the calls and plant samples our office has had to troubleshoot from vegetable gardens in recent weeks.  Please help tell your friends and neighbors they’re probably better off not using hay…

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  • Paul Pugilese, UGA Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents in Bartow County talks about starting a garden, and how to involves your kids in the process.

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  • The weather has been unusually warm to start out this year.  I noticed the flower buds on my plum and pear trees starting to swell and show some color in February.  Unfortunately, if this warm weather continues, we will end up having a premature bloom on many fruit tree species.  In some years, it is…

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  • Plant Plagues

    The abundant rainfall and warm weather over the past few weeks has unleashed a potential plague of weeds, insects, and garden diseases.  It appears that spring is coming early this year!  So far, we are about ten inches above normal for rainfall in North Georgia.  Soil temperatures are warming up fast, which means this weekend…

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  • There are many ways we can incorporate health and nutrition education, environmental education, agricultural awareness, and local food into our experiential learning objectives at local schools.  Extension agents share a common interest in connecting Local, Environmental, Agricultural and Food (LEAF) experiences to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for enhancing student education.  This LEAF connection…

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