The larvae of scarab beetles, known as white grubs, are one of the armadillo’s favorite foods. Armadillos will dig up a lawn searching for grubs in the fall and spring when grubs are near the surface. The Extension office receives many calls this time of year from frustrated homeowners that have their lawns plowed by…
Last week I was working in the backyard and discovered an Eastern Kingsnake eating another Eastern Kingsnake! This a one-in-a-million chance encounter with one our most incredible native snake species that is found throughout Georgia and the Southeast. I quickly ran inside the house to get my nine-year-old son to come out and watch this…
Posted in: Wildlife -
I can never tell if my clients are serious or just pulling my leg when it comes to old wives’ tales and folklore related to farming, gardening, and predicting the weather. I’m a big fan of the classic movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. This movie underscores the absurdity of the whole Groundhog Day tradition. …
What would you do if you found a snapping turtle or a 6 ft. snake in your backyard? This time of year, we get many of these kinds of wildlife questions at the County Extension office. Reptiles are emerging from their winter slumber to find food and a future mate. It is interesting to note…
Posted in: Wildlife -
Nearly 1,000 species of bats are known throughout the world, and approximately 40 species inhabit the United States. Bats are beneficial because they are efficient predators of insects. A single bat, for instance, may consume as many as 2,000 insects every night. Because flying insects are not active during the winter months, bats must either…
Moles are insectivores that are closely related to shrews and bats. In the fall, there is a lot of mole activity because white grubs are starting to hatch out near the soil surface. This is one of the mole’s favorite snacks. Moles tunneling under the lawn can be a symptom of a grub problem, especially…