The average lifespan for flowering cherry trees in Georgia is about thirty years. As they begin to reach this advanced age for cherries, we begin to see a cascading set of problems that ultimate lead to the decline and death of a tree. Typically, we get calls at the Extension office once the tree begins…
Have you ever seen a caterpillar with long hairs that stick out like two black horns on its head, one black horn on its tail, and four hairy mohawks on its back? If so, you probably encountered a tussock moth caterpillar. Depending on the species, their colors can range from dark gray to light gray,…
Dish soap and water are often referred to as the cure-all for managing garden insects such as aphids. Understanding how soap impacts insects and how to best use soaps means better insect management and healthier plants. We still don’t understand exactly how soap kills or doesn’t kill an insect. The leading theory is that the…
During the last week of February, I was out pruning some trees and got to experience an amazing sap flow on one of the river birch trees we have planted in our front yard. Usually, I prune my trees earlier in the winter, but got behind with some other chores this year. When I removed…
Recently, a church trustee in Bartow County brought samples of “holey” mail to the local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office for closer examination. Strangely, mail deposited in the church’s mailbox was showing up with holes chewed through the outer layer of the envelopes, but the mail inside was intact — a small miracle in…
In late summer, almost every year, caterpillars invade pastures, hay fields, and home lawns throughout the state. Particularly in pastures and hay fields, damage may be severe before the worms are noticed. The grass is usually not killed, but hay yield and forage can be reduced to almost nothing over whole fields in extreme cases.…
Sooty mold can be a very confusing plant disorder to troubleshoot for many backyard gardeners and commercial landscapers. Quite often small trees, shrubs, and flowers that have no obvious insect or disease problems can be completely covered by this mysterious black mold. Even more perplexing is the fact that the same varieties of flowers and…