Flower beds
Now is the time to add a blanket of mulch to perennial flowers and shrubs. Maintaining a mulch layer at least 3 inches deep will significantly reduce weeds and help newly planted trees and shrubs get established and stay healthy. Read More
Many clients contact their local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office frustrated with grasses taking over their flower beds or vegetable gardens. A common phone call might involve Bermuda grass taking over a bed of juniper ground cover or daylilies. And, if you’ve ever tried to pull Bermuda grass out by hand, you quickly learned…
Many clients contact the Extension office frustrated with grasses taking over flower beds or vegetable gardens. A common phone call might involve Bermudagrass taking over a bed of juniper groundcovers or daylilies. If you’ve ever tried to pull Bermudagrass out by hand, you’ll quickly learn that it just grows right back from any root fragments…