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I hope everyone had a good Easter. We had all the family over at our house this year. Food was good, the company was good and little Della got her first Easter basket so it was a good day. This week turned out pretty nice, cotton and peanuts are going in, the corn I’ve seen…
I know yall are planting cotton as I’m typing this up but I wanted to remind you about thrips and thrips management. Those little pests can cause a heap of damage if you’re at high risk for them. I hope some of you use the Thrips Predictor Tool. Cotton thrips treatment: In-furrow liquid: up to…
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Volunteer peanuts emerge from seeds that have been left over and made it through the winter. They can be super tough to deal with. Dr. Prostko gives some tips on how to manage volunteer peanuts. Roundup Ready Corn: Split applications of glyphosate at least 10 days apart. Glyphosate can be applied over-the-top of field corn…
The storm on Sunday brought us a few cooler mornings early this week. It also whipped and sandblasted some plants but from what I’ve seen there wasn’t any major damage and they should grow out of it. Be mindful of your disease sprays because anytime a plant gets damaged the wound is an open portal…
The UGA Peanut Team puts together the peanut production guide so growers are up-to-date on the latest information regarding planting, harvesting, diseases and more. In the Peanut Production Guide you will find helpful information on Cultivar Selection, Planting Tips, Fertility, Weed Control, Irrigation Management, Disease Control, and the 2019 Peanut Rx. 2019 UGA Peanut Guide
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If you have not attended a UPW training and plan to use Engenia, Fexapan, or Xtendimax you need to RSVP and attend this final UPW for 2019.
This is a free service that is offered by the University of Georgia in which our water educators will come and conduct a pivot uniformity test on a farmer’s irrigation system.
The pastures are beginning to green up, melons and produce are taking hold, corn is up and looks like we will be planting cotton and peanuts soon. Just a heads up, I drive a black Chevrolet pickup with BEEF tag and Scott Utley is in a white F-150. If you see one of those vehicles…
UGA Cotton Agronomist Mark Freeman gives some advice on making a good cotton stand.
Posted in: Cotton -
Here is the link for the 2019 Vegetable Spray Guide