On June 8, 2020, the U.S. EPA released critical information on Engenia, Fexapan, and XtendiMax. The entire release can be found at https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-offers-clarity-farmers-light-recent-court-vacatur-dicamba-registrations Please visit the website for details; however, below are the details of the order: “Details of the Order EPA’s order addresses the sale, distribution, and use of existing stocks of the three…
Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) Online Trainings Announced
Finally, the ruling has been passed down to us. Dr. Culpepper let us know yesterday morning at the Weed Meeting that if you took a UPW class in 2019 then you do not have to take one for 2020. However, if you did not take a UPW class last year (2019) then you will…
We have finalized our 2020 production meeting details. Meals will be provided at each meeting. The weed meeting will be a breakfast meeting and all of the others will be lunch meetings. Pesticide and CCA credits will be available. If you would like to check your pesticide credit hours you can do so by clicking…
We had an Extension Cotton Update last week and we learned that we once again have the state Diuron label with flexible use patterns to fight pigweed and others prior to planting. If strip-tilling was done prior to application, wait 7 days before planting. If strip-tilling was done after the application but before planting, no…
Awhile back I mentioned the new training from EPA for the use of paraquat. Anyone associated with mixing, handling, applying paraquat products (Gramoxone) has to complete the training. Syngenta recently received a label for its new formulation of paraquat sold under the trade name of Gramoxone 3SL (3 lb ai/gal).
Posted in: Weeds -
I see a good bit of clean cotton out there so that must mean that the majority of you are being timely with your herbicide sprays. When cotton starts getting taller and bushing out its difficult to spray over the top and still maintain good weed control. You run the risk of injuring your cotton…