A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Local News for 4-H, Agriculture, and Family and Consumer Science

Recent Posts

  • Make sure you are informed on the Advance Child Tax Credit being offered this year so you can make a wise decision for your family.

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  • Glenn Harris, UGA Peanut Fertility Specialist Gypsum (or landplaster, i.e. calcium sulfate) may be in short supply this year. There is no need to panic but it doesn’t hurt to review your options for dealing with this potential problem. Why the Shortage? Coal burning powerplants that produce a lot of the “smokestack” gypsum we use…

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  • The following article is from Dr. Lenny Wells; It seems pecan trees are lagging behind this year. Well, what is going on exactly and what does this mean? The timing of pecan budbreak and fruit set is determined by a combination of chill hours accumulated in the dormant season and heat units accumulated in spring.…

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  • This information is taken from the EPA website. As required by EPA’s Paraquat Dichloride Human Health Mitigation Decision and amended paraquat dichloride (a.k.a. paraquat) product labels, certified applicators must successfully complete an EPA-approved training program before mixing, loading, and/or applying paraquat. The training provides important information about paraquat’s toxicity, new label requirements and restrictions, and the consequences…

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  • Learn more about Estate planning by Registering for the Workshop by March 15th.

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  • Tattnall County 4-H is having a Seed and Bulb Sale. If you are interested please visit the link here. This is a great way to add some color to your landscape and help raise money for your local 4-H program.

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  • With the pecan prices down from their highs a few years ago, growers need to be looking for ways to cut production costs to increase profitability of their operations. Here is an article by Lenny Wells discussing a highly scab resistance pecan cultivar named Lakota. The top concern on growers’ minds right now is reducing…

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