Home Garden
A few weeks ago, I would have said spring has finally come and winter is no more. My tune has changed a bit since then. Winter’s claws are still trying to hold on a bit longer. This does not mean that one should wait for weed control in their garden. Weed control in gardens can…
We are now taking orders for this year’s plant sale. The deadline to place your order is February 28, 2018. The form can be downloaded here: 2018 4-H Plant Order Form, or you can view the order form below.
Many people have problems with bahiagrass in their centipede lawns. Bahiagrass is the grass that shoot up the long stems that have a V shaped seedhead. Seeing bahiagrass in a centipede lawn is an eyesore to many people. There are several good options for control of bahiagrass in centipede lawns. One option is to apply…
Many pecan orchards in our area are currently in the pollination stage of growth. Around the county I have seen many pecan trees with a good crop of flowers on them. It is a good sign when the trees have a good crop of flowers on them. It varies with variety, but you could roughly say…
Many people enjoy growing fruits and vegetables in their backyard. Blueberries are a commonly planted backyard fruit crop that can be successfully grown in South Georgia with limited trouble from pests and diseases. Recently, I wrote about planting blueberry bushes and this week I wanted to write about caring for established blueberry bushes. When growing…
Almost everyone loves to eat Georgia peaches, and Georgia is known as the Peach State, but many people do not realize that the blueberry is actually more significant to Georgia agriculture in terms of acreage and total value than the peach. According to the 2013 UGA Farm Gate Value Report, there are around 28,000 acres…