weed control
The following is a post on burndowns in row crops from Dr. Eric Prostko, Extension Agronomist and Weed Scientist. Many growers are now in the process of spraying pre-plant burndown herbicides. Low temperatures over most of Georgia are expected to drop below 40 F over the next three days. These temperatures are not very favorable…
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Check out the flyer below for this year’s Midville Virtual Field Day! The event will be taking place via ZOOM on August 12th at 9:30 am. If you are interested in signing up and being a part of this event follow the link on the flyer, or reach out to Aubrey or myself to get…
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Its time to burn down those herbicide strips in pecan orchards in preparation for the growing season. There are many combinations of herbicide applications you could use. Here are a few for trees of different ages. Information provided by Lenny Wells. Trees 1-2 Yrs: At budbreak: Glufosinate + Prowl May/June: Glufosinate or Glyphosate or Paraquat…
Here is a handout that was given to me during a conservation tillage meeting in Midville, GA at the experiment station. It contains some useful information about weed control in cover crops. Conservation Tillage Handout
Last week at our Sweet Potato Production Meeting, Dr. Culpepper discussed weed control in sweet potatoes. He shared these handouts with the group. They outline weed control options and instructions for use. Click on the handouts below to take a closer look. Sweet Potato Weed Control
Each winter and spring, we get questions about a weed seen growing around pastures and livestock barns that causes a painful, burning irritation to the skin if touched. This weed is called stinging nettle. Stinging nettle (Urtica chamaedryoides) is a winter annual weed that is commonly seen in late winter and early spring. It can…
Paraquat is the active ingredient in several popular herbicide formulations used in Georgia (Firestorm, Gramoxone, Helmquat, and Parazone). It has multiple uses including preplant burndown applications, early-postemergence weed control in peanut, and as a soybean harvest-aid. Paraquat registration has been under review by the EPA and many changes will be occurring in the very near…
UGA Extension – Tattnall County is looking forward to hosting a sweet potato meeting on March 8th. Click Here for PDF version of Flyer: Southeast GA Sweet Potato Meeting