A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs


  • Garden Heritage

    Can you remember the first time you really connected with horticulture and gardening? What was it that had you hooked? I remember my grandfather giving me a pack of seeds to share with my sisters. The seed pack had a little of everything in it. A few butterbean seeds, some corn, some lettuce, tomatoes, you…

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  • Feedback on Grow Strong!

    Thank you to the 105 people who responded to the follow-up surveys after Grow Strong! updates in Macon and Gainesville! Your responses were very helpful in assessing the two events. I always appreciate your honest feedback, though some of it takes me a few days to think about and respond to fairly.      …

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  • Check out the most recent Wonderful (wordless) Wednesday over here.

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  • Individuals are drawn to the MGEV program because of the opportunity to learn about horticulture topics. Staying informed and up-to-date on gardening topics and the latest research maintains enthusiasm and interest for many MGEVs. Just scanning through the continuing education entries in MGLOG, it’s apparent that MGEVs get their information from many sources, such as…

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  • Awards are a funny thing with MGEVs. They are considered unimportant by some and are a lifeline for others (I wish I had a picture of a hat I saw at the Southern Region conference — there was positively more badge bling than hat). So, when I start talking about how Georgia MGEVs should nominate…

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  • So, last Friday, I bid you well wishes for a weekend of bliss in the garden. I managed only to plant a single row in the vegetable garden on Friday night (because we were also installing the drip irrigation system), and of course the rest of the weekend was a wash-out. But only so much…

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  • How are you enjoying your spring garden? Are you out there planting vegetable or perennials? Have you picked out a new shrub cultivar? Are you still at the garden center making a decision? Are you sorry the rains have slowed down? I have been out of town for a couple of days, and everything has…

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  • Want to bring some Advanced Training home to your county? The State Program Office has a challenge for you! If your county program sends 15 people to Master Gardener University, we’ll come to you! We’ll schedule a “Creative Teaching Techniques” Advanced Training in your county. This class meets the “required” course that is part of…

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  • Certified Volunteers

    MGEVs often conduct educational projects and programs for youth. In fact, youth programs are the third most popular type of educational project that Georgia MGEVs conduct! We’re going to learn about a lot of these types of projects during Get Kids Gardeningand Using the Garden as an Outdoor Classroom at Master Gardener University in June.…

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  • And the winner is…

    Last night, I had the privilege of speaking to the Hall County MGEV group in Gainesville. What a good time! This group is full of fun and energy, and the meeting was a delight! I shared at length what Advanced Training is for Georgia MGEVs. We talked a bit about how it is different from…

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