Every year, MGEVs are blossoming with accomplishments, and 2016 was no exception! Between countless volunteer hours on new and continuing projects, many Master Gardeners also squeezed in the opportunity to expand their education beyond the rigorous training course load. The Advanced Training program is an additional educational outlet that allows MGEVs to learn more about some topics, become a recognized expert in a given area, mark their learning process with classes and workshops, or implement specific types of programs within the community. By taking Advanced Training courses, MGEVs can work toward additional training recognition with the Star program, which includes two levels of recognition, Silver Star and Gold Star. MGEVs who earn a Silver Star have completed 5 training modules, an additional 30 hours of training. MGEVs who earn a Gold Star have completed 6 training modules, with 3 in the same category, and have completed an educational project. These MGEVs have completed 36 additional training hours.
Earlier this year, several MGEVs were recognized for their star status. Congratulations, again, to those folks! Since May, 4 gold stars and 8 silver stars have been earned! That’s 388 additional training hours! Please join us in congratulating these star MGEVs!
To learn more about the Advanced Training program, check out the details here.