Knowing how to properly install and care for ornamental landscapes is critical for enjoying and reaping the benefits of the ecosystem services that they offer. Focusing on increasing awareness and knowledge of landscape and garden management for the optimum use and protection of the environment, education in this initiative includes management of all aspects of the residential landscape. MGEVs teach about soil, plants, insects, diseases, and wildlife, as well as proper use of equipment, pesticides, fertilizers, and other landscaping inputs. By teaching people to implement sustainable gardening methods, MGEVs help to ensure landscapes have the greatest value with little negative impact on the environment.
AS MGEVs continue teaching sustainable gardening methods, it is important they stay up-to-date on their horticulture knowledge. On February, 24, 2017, environmental stewardship will be one of the MGEV program initiatives addressed at the Grow Strong! 2017 conference. Dr. Douglas Bailey will speak about the importance of water use and conservation in landscapes. Dr. Bailey is a Professor and Head of the Horticulture Department at the University of Georgia. Dr. Bailey joined the faculty at UGA as department head in December of 1999. Prior to that he was on faculty in the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State University from 1990–1999 and on faculty in the Department of Plant Sciences from 1986–1990.A native of Athens, Georgia, Dr. Bailey received his BS from the University of Georgia in horticulture in 1980. He received his MS and PhD in horticulture from Purdue University in 1983 and 1986, respectively. Dr. Bailey’s area of expertise prior to serving as department head was floriculture, and he has taught courses in greenhouse management and floriculture crop production as well as conducted floriculture research and extension programs. He currently teaches Sustainable Community Food Production, a Seminar Course in Organic Agriculture, and Plants of the Bible.
Help to prepare yourself by joining us in Athens, or visit an Extension office near you that is hosting a viewing party. You will be able to see and hear the presenters, as well as interact with them through a computer during Q&A sessions. For more information and to register, please visit the registration site for Grow Strong! 2017.