In case you are interested in traveling with MGEVs from other states, here is some information about the West Virginia Master Gardener Tour to Italy. This is for your information only.
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Congrats to the 5 counties receiving complimentary AT! Free Advanced Training was offered to the first 5 counties to achieve 100% completion of 2017-18 Risk Management Training (RMT). We are excited to recognize Rockdale, Paulding, Bibb, Fayette, and Clayton counties for achieving this recognition. We had fun with the first AT, Water-wise Landscaping, yesterday in…
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I love this time of year for so many reasons, but mainly because it is a time to reflect on all of our hard work this year. For me, it is similar to the satisfaction of looking at the root cellar or larder, where the plentiful harvests are stored and ready for use, knowing that…
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Traditionally celebrated the third Saturday in March, MGEV Appreciation Day is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of MGEVs and to say “thank you” for partnering with Extension in educational outreach to our communities. For several years, UGA Extension has been celebrating during Volunteer Appreciation Week, a national celebration of volunteerism. We’ve had a social…
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Just a reminder that MGEV volunteer service hours need to be reported no later that January 26, 2018, for inclusion in the 2017 Georgia MGEV Program report! To continue active MGEV service in 2018, make sure that you have completed 25 hours of volunteer service on Extension projects this year (and reported them in MGLOG),…
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For the past two weeks, we have anxiously watched the news, watched the weather channel, listened to the radio, and checked our phones for news updates, weather alerts, and updates from family members and friends as devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey has washed over Texas and Louisiana. With barely enough time to register the devastating…
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We tried a little something new last Friday when we hosted Grow Strong! 2017 at the Georgia Center in Athens. We reached out to almost 300 MGEVs across the state, connecting 14 remote sites and 2 distance speakers to the host location. We were able to have conversations, see presentations, and ask questions, no matter…
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Landscaping is known to yield an average 109% return on every dollar spent, making it a strategic home improvement and investment. Homes with professionally landscaped and manicured lawns sell faster and have a higher property value. Beautification can have a positive effect on businesses and people are much more likely to choose to live and…
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Registrations are streaming in for Grow Strong! 2017! We are very much looking forward to the approaching event date and all the event has to offer to Master Gardeners around the state. As we endeavor to present you with the latest research pertaining to the state initiatives that outline the structure of the GA MGEV…
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The Grow Strong! 2017 event is getting closer and closer! The spring season is approaching quickly as well! As a GA MGEV, it is important that you are able to provide the public with sound advice and recommendations for preparing and maintaining their landscapes. Whether you are working a help desk, Master Gardener booth, or…
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