MGEVs respond to public demand for knowledge of how to grow fruits and vegetables by conducting projects in the Home Food Production initiative. These projects focus on teaching the benefits of home food production and developing skills and knowledge in growing food, managing community gardens, or contributing to food banks or kitchens. With MGEV instruction…
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Knowing how to properly install and care for ornamental landscapes is critical for enjoying and reaping the benefits of the ecosystem services that they offer. Focusing on increasing awareness and knowledge of landscape and garden management for the optimum use and protection of the environment, education in this initiative includes management of all aspects of…
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Every year, MGEVs are blossoming with accomplishments, and 2016 was no exception! Between countless volunteer hours on new and continuing projects, many Master Gardeners also squeezed in the opportunity to expand their education beyond the rigorous training course load. The Advanced Training program is an additional educational outlet that allows MGEVs to learn more about…
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UGA announced another new publication today that adds to the series on community and school gardens. Are you aware of these publications? They could be very useful in talking with teachers or gardeners or other groups in the community who ask MGEVs about community and school gardens. Just in case these are new to you,…
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a guest post by Robert Westerfield, Extension Consumer Horticulturist, Extension Coordinator It’s hard to believe that fall is here (finally!), and school is back in session, while we still suffer from maximum degree temperatures. But it won’t be long before county offices start to get request for school or community gardens. Oftentimes, Master Gardeners are tapped for…
Did you get a question about a landscape plant at a help desk that requires some additional research? Maybe you were asked to identify a tree on a local neighborhood street that you are not familiar with? When faced with these situations, it is helpful to turn to books like Michael A. Dirr’s Manual of…
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Did you know that a group of people, known as the Advisory Panel, contributes to the guidance and direction of the Georgia MGEV Program? This panel was first put together in September 2012 as a listening tool for the State Program Office. At the first meeting in Griffin, 16 people came together to identify the future…
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The third Saturday in March is celebrated as MGEV Appreciation Day. Typical celebration activities include proclamations, plant clinics, and other community education activities. It is a local celebration most years, though we had a large statewide celebration in 2014. This year, March 19 is our special day. Across the state, Agents and MGEVs are celebrating this…
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Master Gardeners, as a rule, are superstars in their own right. Pledging to volunteer 50 hours in a year after first completing 40+ hours of classroom training and two exams merits some stardom in itself! For some MGEVs, though, that basic training is simply not enough. They want to know more. They want to know…
As an Extension Agent, I worked with MGEVs who loved to host tours of a small local arboretum on a community college campus. The tour was the same each time, repeated back from the pages of a worn notebook. The stories were retold about how the garden started as a bare patch of land, how…
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