A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs

The Grow Strong! 2017 event is getting closer and closer! The spring season is approaching quickly as well! As a GA MGEV, it is important that you are able to provide the public with sound advice and recommendations for preparing and maintaining their landscapes. Whether you are working a help desk, Master Gardener booth, or engaging in casual conversation with a fellow community member, you will want to be prepared to answer this Spring’s turf questions. You do not want to miss Dr. Clint Waltz present on this topic on February 24, 2017!

Dr. Clint Waltz joined the University of Georgia turfgrass team in 2001 as a Turfgrass Extension Specialist.  Clint is located on the UGA – Griffin Campus but has state-wide program leadership responsibilities in all turfgrass management areas, including turfgrass water management.  Other state responsibilities include serving as ex officio board member for the Georgia Urban Ag. Council (UAC).  Additionally, he serves the golf course industry by serving on the Georgia Golf Course Superintendents Association (GGCSA) education committee and Water Task Force.

Although his appointment is 100% extension, Clint conducts research projects in many areas of turfgrass management.  He is active in the evaluation of various turfgrass species to the environmental stresses of the Southeastern United States.  These evaluations allow sod producers, golf course superintendents, athletic field managers, other turf professionals, and homeowners to make informed decisions about the adaptabilities of these cultivars.

Clint has published in scientific journals, trade magazines, and makes regular contributions to the newsletters of state associations.  Additionally, he makes numerous presentations to turfgrass professionals from golf course superintendents and county extension agents to homeowner groups.  Clint has also been responsible for the UGA turfgrass website www.GeorgiaTurf.com and can be followed on Twitter @GeorgiaTurf.

Clint received his degrees from Clemson University.  He finished his doctorate in the area of soil amendments for golf course putting greens.  His master’s degree focused on plant growth regulators used in turfgrass, his bachelor’s degree was in horticulture.

Dr. Waltz is among other talented specialists you have to look forward to learning from on February 24th. To read about a couple of the other speakers, view these blog posts here and here. If you have not already registered for Grow Strong 2017! you may do so here.


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