child care
Learn more about how you can reduce the health risks associated with radon, carbon monoxide and asbestos in child care environments. Childhood diseases and injuries associated with unhealthy environments cost us $54.9 billion annually. This includes lead poisoning, neurobehavioral disorders, asthma, childhood cancer and accidents in the home. Because of their size, stage of development…
Each day millions of children spend a good part of the day away from home in a child care facility. It’s important to keep them healthy and safe both at home and while they are away from home. One of best things you can do is to learn more about the connection between health and the indoor…
This week I participated in an informative blogging workshop taught by Tara Dunn for the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences Cooperative Extension. She did a fantastic job of helping all of the participants develop blogs and better understand and use online communication. Blogs are a great way to share research and…