
Why join GAE4-HYDP?  

Being a member offers excellent opportunities for networking, professional development, and growth as an Extension employee.   As a GAE4-HYDP active, life, or affiliate member, you are automatically a member of the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP) and have the opportunity to attend national professional development conferences. Additionally, you have the opportunity to network, share resources and ideas, and apply for professional awards.

The membership year is from January 1 thru December 31. However, persons may be admitted to membership at any time during the membership year.

What are the different levels of GAE4-HYDP membership?

A. Active Members: Active members are currently employed by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension or Fort Valley State University Extension in professional status or operating under an official agreement with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in a professional status. Active members who retire may complete that membership year as active members, with full membership benefits. Active members join the state and national association. Active members receive full-membership benefits which includes, but is not limited to, (1) voting, (2) holding elected or appointed position on the Board of Directors, (3) serving as the lead author on awards, (4) seeking reimbursement for attending the national meeting, (5) receiving newsletters, (6) presenting and attending workshops and exhibits.

  • Examples include Extension Educators, Extension Agents, County Extension Coordinators, Extension Specialists and State 4-H Staff, Extension Leadership, and other Extension professionals.

B. State Extension Partner Members: State Extension Partner Members are 4-H/youth development paraprofessionals with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension or Fort Valley State University Extension. State Extension Partner Members only join the state association. State Extension Partner Members will receive GAE4-HYDP membership, entitling them to benefits which includes, but is not limited to (1) receiving newsletters, (2) attending the state meeting, and (3) present and attend workshops and exhibits. State Extension Partner Members will not be allowed to (1) vote, (2) hold elected or appointed position on the Board of Directors, (3) serve as the lead author on awards, and (4) seek reimbursement for attending the national meeting.

  • Examples include Extension Program Assistants, AmeriCorps State Members, AmeriCorps VISTA Members

C. Life Members: Life members are former University of Georgia Cooperative Extension or Fort Valley State University Extension employees who retired in a professional status. Life members must retire from Extension (not merely move out of a 4-H Youth position). Life members are members of the state and national association. Life members enjoy all rights and privileges of an active member. Active GAE4-HYDP members who retire may complete that membership year as active members, with full membership benefits. They will be required to join as a life member for the following year. If a life member returns to active employment status, they will be required to pay dues as an active member. Life member status would be reinstated without additional payment when Extension employee returns to retirement status.

  • Examples include Retired Extension Educators, Extension Agents, County Extension Coordinators, Extension Specialists and State 4-H Staff, Extension Leadership, and other Extension professionals.

D. Student Members: Student members are individuals currently attending a college/university with full-time graduate student status. Student members join the state and national association. Student members will receive state membership, entitling them to benefits which includes, but is not limited to (1) receiving newsletters, (2) attending the state meeting, and (3) present and attend workshops and exhibits. Student Members will not be allowed to (1) vote, (2) hold elected or appointed position on the Board of Directors, (3) serve as the lead author on awards, and (4) seek reimbursement for attending the national meeting. Student members will also join the national association as a student member.

  • Examples include: Graduate Assistants and Graduate Students

E. Affiliate Members: Affiliate members can be (1) adult professionals employed in youth development other than Extension; (2) former GAE4-HYDP dues paying members who were Active members but do not currently qualify for Active or Life membership; (3) GAE4-HYDP donors and sponsors. Affiliate members will receive state membership, entitling them to benefits which includes, but is not limited to (1) receiving newsletters, (2) attending the state meeting, and (3) present and attend workshops and exhibits. Affiliate Members will not be allowed to (1) vote, (2) hold elected or appointed position on the Board of Directors, (3) serve as the lead author on awards, and (4) seek reimbursement for attending the national meeting. Affiliate members will also join the national association as an affiliate member.

  • Examples include University of Georgia Public Service and Outreach Faculty, GAE4-HYDP donors and sponsors, and other non-Extension youth development professionals

2025 Membership Dues

Membership dues vary by membership level and district and can be found in the chart below.  Payment can be made by check or by credit card via Destiny One. For those joining after the start of the calendar year, dues are not prorated.

Northeast District
Northwest District
Southeast District
Southwest District
State Staff District
Active Member: $100.00
Partner Member: $30.00
Life MembersOne-time payment for Extension retirees only: $250.00
Renewal: $0.00
Affiliate Members$95.00
Student Members$50.00

How do I join?

Please use the link below to access the GAE4-HYDP 2025 membership registration.

Your 2025 membership is NOT final until you have completed the Google Form Registration AND your membership dues are received by the GAE4-HYDP Treasurer. 

Payment instructions are on the final page after you submit the Google Form – please do not exit your browser without printing or completing your dues payment.  After you submit the Google Form, a copy of your membership application will be sent to you automatically. 

If you need an invoice to request payment for your membership dues, please contact our treasurer. 

After registration, click here to view our current roster and payment sheet.

Note: Do NOT pay your national dues through the NAE4-HYDP site!

2025 Membership Drive Timeline:

  • The membership drive begins Friday, November 1, 2024, and ends Friday, January 10, 2025.
  • December 16, 2024 – Early Bird Deadline; Individuals who enter online by this 5 pm on this deadline will be entered in a drawing for a free registration to the 2025 GAE4-HYDP Annual Professional Development Conference.
  • January 10, 2025 – Final Registration Deadline; Members must be registered online, and dues payment must be received by GAE4-HYDP Treasurer by 5:00 PM to be eligible for awards.