Vegetable Gardens
Question: Is it safe to use hay and manure in my vegetable garden? NO! That’s the short answer I’ve finally settled on with all the calls and plant samples our office has had to troubleshoot from vegetable gardens in recent weeks. Please help tell your friends and neighbors they’re probably better off not using hay…
Come learn about best practices to keep food safe during COVID-19, from the farm to the market.
The continued operation of the food and agriculture industry is vital to the health and wellness of people during this global emergency. The one thing we don’t have to worry about in this country is a shortage of food. The U.S. is literally the breadbasket of the world. Farmers still go to work every day,…
Posted in: Vegetable Gardens -
In this Extension Corner segment, UGA Extension’s Paul Pugliese talks about planting tomatoes.
The abundant rainfall and warm weather over the past few weeks has unleashed a potential plague of weeds, insects, and garden diseases. It appears that spring is coming early this year! So far, we are about ten inches above normal for rainfall in North Georgia. Soil temperatures are warming up fast, which means this weekend…
There are many ways we can incorporate health and nutrition education, environmental education, agricultural awareness, and local food into our experiential learning objectives at local schools. Extension agents share a common interest in connecting Local, Environmental, Agricultural and Food (LEAF) experiences to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for enhancing student education. This LEAF connection…
In this Extension Corner segment, UGA Extension’s Paul Pugliese talks about gardening with children.
Over the past year, I’ve been contacted by several elementary and middle schools in Bartow County about starting school gardens! This is an exciting time in education as our local schools work toward becoming certified in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Having a school garden is a natural extension of the classroom and gives…
Question: Can I use soil dredged from Allatoona Lake in my vegetable garden? Every winter, the Army Corps of Engineers must use a crane to dredge out silt and sediment from Allatoona Lake. If you drive by the Knox Bridge boat ramp on highway 20 near Canton, you will see the mountains of soil that…
On Tuesday, August 6th at 7pm, the Bartow County Extension office will be hosting a free seminar on “Troubleshooting Vegetable Garden Problems.” This is a great opportunity for backyard gardeners and local farmers to bring plant samples for diagnosis and discuss common vegetable problems this season. We will also have several door prizes to give…