Southern Corn Rust Confirmed – 6/9/21 Southern corn rust (SCR) has been confirmed in Coffee County as of Wednesday of this week, and yesterday in Colquitt County. Updates can be checked at: Following is current information from Dr. Bob Kemerait: Which growers are at highest risk? Because the rust (which was well established in…
Continued hot and dry conditions have put stress on our crops to this point. Hopefully, we will see some rainfall in the near future to relieve the pressure on the crops and on your irrigating schedule. Disease update – As of today, there has still been NO southern corn rust confirmed in Georgia. Much of…
It has been a really hot and dry week. Temperatures into the 90’s and no rain in a couple of weeks. Wheat and oat harvest has occurred and some planting has proceeded this week. Irrigation is running in many fields to keep some moisture and manage soil temperatures. Much of the field corn in the…
There are a few upcoming dates that may be of interest: Georgia Pecan Growers Association Annual Conference and Trade Show at the GA National Fairgrounds in Perry, Georgia. It is scheduled for June 2-3, 2021, and will be an IN PERSON event. For more details and registration information visit: Cotton, Peanut, and Soybean Insect…
(by Dr. Phillip Roberts) Insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 7, 2021 in Tifton and June 15, 2021 in Midville. Crops to be covered include cotton, peanuts, and soybean. These programs offer basic information on insect pest identification and damage, natural enemies, and scouting procedures. The training will serve as an introduction to…
In the next few days, daytime temperatures will be very hot in our area. Hot and dry conditions in this early part of the growing season increase concerns of seedling stress and diseases. Some of which include: 1) Aspergillus crown rot in peanuts, and 2) early-season outbreaks of white mold in peanuts. Southern corn rust…
Field work and planting have been occurring for the last month. The heavy rains (from 5-8 inches) across the county a couple of weekends ago disrupted the plans of many growers. Much of the corn was already planted and growing well, and many other fields were prepared and bedded for planting the next week; but…
Following is some very useful information for cotton and peanuts from Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist: Protecting cotton from early-season diseases and nematodes – not quite the same as in your peanutcrop (Bob Kemerait): Many cotton farmers are also peanut farmers. These growers recognize that cotton and peanut crops each need to be protected…
Following is some timely information from Dr. Scott Monfort, UGA Peanut Agronomist. We have Peanut Quick Reference Guides and Peanut Rx at the Worth County Extension Office. by Dr. Scott Monfort, UGA Peanut Agronomist Growers are beginning to make plans on when to start planting. I have already received several callsfrom growers asking about planting…
The Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) Training opportunities began this week. There are still many opportunities for growers and applicators to register and attend training. We encourage individuals to train virtually at home or office when possible. If anyone does not have access to computer or internet access, please call us at the Worth County Extension…