More rain is expected this weekend. Many field activities have been going on this week throughout the county – hay cutting, vegetable harvest, final planting and some replanting of cotton and peanuts, spray applications for weed, disease, and insect control. Cotton and peanut growth has really jumped following recent rains. Conditions are favorable for many of the crop diseases to get started or spread. I have seen some seedling disease in cotton field visits, but it is not widespread and stands are adequate for good yield potential. Thrips pressure appears to be declining on cotton and peanuts, but there are other pests to be looking for. In cotton aphids, spider mites, and plant bugs have been noted. For the latest update from Dr. Phillip Roberts, sign up and listen to the Pest Patrol Hotline – here is the link to the recording: In peanuts, tobacco budworms (TBW) have been noted. Stink bugs have been more active in corn fields, and some fields have been treated in the last two weeks.
Southern Corn Rust was confirmed in Georgia on June 9, 2021, in Coffee County. Since then, more confirmations in Colquitt, Decatur, Dougherty, Miller, Tift, and Ware Counties. It is very likely present in Worth County also, but as of now, I have only identified common rust in corn field visits here. I know many growers put out a protective fungicide treatment prior to or around June 9. Updates on southern corn rust can be found at: Below is a picture of the map as of this afternoon.

Please let us know if we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension. We also send out email and text updates to growers – contact the Worth County Extension office by email at or at 229-776-8216 for more information.