Attached below is a link to the 2020 UGA Corn Production Guide for your reference. Fields are very wet and delaying our burndown timing for getting ready for corn planting. When fields get to where we can get in them, some options for burndown could include glyphosate + atrazine or paraquat + atrazine. There…
Attached is a video demonstration on how to best plant pecan trees from Dr. Lenny Wells (UGA Pecan Specialist) and some key points to remember. Key points to remember: 1-Prune lateral roots to 3-4″ 2-Prune the taproot to 2 ft in length. The taproot on the tree in the video had been cut…
Cotton growers and other interested parties, make plans to attend next Wednesday, January 29, 2020. The GA Cotton Commission Annual Meeting and UGA Cotton Production Workshop will be held at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center. Please register at the following link to help in planning for breaks and lunch: See the full agenda…
Please see this information from Rome Ethredge, interim UGA Grain Agronomist, on fertilizing wheat. Pre-plant Nitrogen fertilizer will depend mostly on what was just harvested from the field this season. Below are recommended N amounts: Cotton – 35 to 40 lbs/ac Corn or Fallow – 30 to 35 lbs/ac Soybeans – 15 to 20 lbs/ac Peanuts –…
There are a few area and regional meetings that are coming up in the next couple of months. Please see the information listed (be aware of early registration deadlines). December 9, 2019 Team Agriculture Georgia (TAG) – Organic Row Crop Workshop – Monday, December 9, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the UGA…
The annual Farmer Appreciation Banquet was held Thursday, November 21 at the Worth County Ag Pavilion. We are thankful to all of our Worth County farmers that impact our county and local community with their daily way of life. Mr. Wayne Burdette was named the Senior Farmer of the Year, Mr. Chris Burdette was the…
Please read below from Rome Ethredge (UGA Interim Grain Agronomist) on wheat planting tips. Wheat Planting Time The optimum window for wheat planting for grain in Georgia is typically within one week before or after the average first frost date for a given area. Planting during the appropriate time for your area will allow wheat…
Attached below is a PDF file for the 2019-2020 UGA Wheat Production Guide Please give us a call with any questions or concerns about your small grain/cover crop that you may have. 2019-2020-Wheat-Production-Guide
A lot of people are planting cover crops and getting them established right after harvest of cotton or peanuts. Small grains (wheat, oats, rye) and legume (clover, vetch) mixes are common and very beneficial. Cover crops are a great way to give some added nitrogen leading into the next crop (legumes), reduce soil erosion, conserve…
There have been some questions about rates for defoliation when treating re-growth of cotton. It depends on how long it has been since initial defoliation application, rain, and the severity of the re-growth when determining rates. It would be best just to harvest the crop if not much re-growth is there, but if much time…