Attached below is a link to the 2020 UGA Corn Production Guide for your reference.
Fields are very wet and delaying our burndown timing for getting ready for corn planting. When fields get to where we can get in them, some options for burndown could include glyphosate + atrazine or paraquat + atrazine. There is a 0 day plant-back restriction. This could be a good option to think about when the timing of burndown and planting gets close together and could also save a trip from putting out atrazine PRE. Please call if you would like to discuss more herbicide options or anymore details.
Also, our soil temps at 2 and 4 inch levels are not quite 55°F yet. Corn seed will sprout slowly at 55°F while germination is prompt at 60°F. One should delay planting if cold weather drops soil temperatures below 55°F at the two-inch soil level. It is generally safe to plant if soil temperatures are 55°F and higher, and warm temperatures are in the forecast. Extremely early planting introduces a risk to frost or freeze damage and subsequent loss of stands. Usually, as long as the growing point is below ground level, corn can withstand a severe frost or freezing damage without yield reduction. It is best therefore to monitor soil conditions and weather if your desire is to plant as early as possible. Generally, it takes corn seed 7 to 12 days to emerge when planted in soils at 55°F.
Here is a link to the Georgia weather station website where you can see weather data such as soil temperature from a station nearest to you.