Cotton – Insects and Disease – The silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) population is spreading out from the initial area from a couple of weeks ago. There are more fields in central/eastern part of the county that have reached threshold. Be aware and be scouting, as the population can change quickly; if you have questions, let us know. As many fields are in bloom, also be looking for stinkbug and/or damage. Use the dynamic threshold for treatment decisions on stink bugs – SLWF presence should be considered in the treatment decision. Be checking for target spot disease as the crop nears bloom – dense canopy and free moisture will increase risk.
Peanuts – Now is the time to be protecting against some of our main soil-borne and foliar diseases. Conditions are favorable for white mold and leaf spot diseases.
Hay – Many hayfields are being cut and baled. Bermudagrass stem maggot (BSM) is the main insect pest that has been present recently. Signs of damage are browning of the tips of bermudagrass. Timely treatment with an insecticide at 7-10 days after cutting (as grass is greening back up) is the best practice to reduce damage. Repeat applications may be necessary. We have not had any reports of fall armyworms (FAW), but they usually come around August.
Corn – Many fields of corn are denting and nearing black layer. Irrigation is recommended until black layer or shortly after black layer. Corn that has not reached the dough stage should be protected from southern corn rust.
Grain Sorghum – Right now grain sorghum is heading out in many fields and is looking good. White sugarcane aphids and sorghum midge have not been observed in these fields.
Soybean – Growers with soybeans not yet at R6 stage should consider a fungicide application to protect against soybean rust.