July 2020
Cotton: Cotton Leaf Roll Dwarf Virus (CLRDV) is becoming more popular over the past two weeks. I posted some pictures below of what the symptoms look like from cotton I’ve found. We are still in the early stages of getting a handle on this disease. Aphids are known to transmit CLRDV but there is no…
Seeds from China are a real thing. If you receive any seeds from China please keep the seeds sealed in the bag they came in and it also wouldn’t hurt to put the bag inside another sandwich/zip-lock bag for more protection. Do not throw the seeds away, discard or open.
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We have a very large pecan crop this year. This is normal the second year following a hurricane. Fruit thinning is encouraged when 70% or more terminals have nuts. Right now, we have 90-100% terminals on most orchards and varieties. Trees cannot fill out this crop, and also this size crop can push our crop…
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Cotton: Whiteflies and spider mites are becoming a problem with all of this hot and dry weather. Target spot is a concern and needs to be scouted, I haven’t found any in Tifton yet but conditions are right. I have also found a few places where stinkbugs are getting close to threshold. I’ve talked to…
Peanuts: In dryland situations scout heavily for Lesser Cornstalk Borers. They love hot and dry and it has been hot and dry. Pay attention for spider mites as well. While I haven’t seen much of it yet, conditions are perfect for leaf spot and white-mold. Stay on a good program. You don’t want to play…
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We’ve had a lot of rain this year so far, and cooler temperatures in recent weeks have helped keep the water balance in good shape. But in the last week temperatures have soared, and with little rain, in the forecast, the chance of a dry spell or flash drought developing has increased. This week temperatures…
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Cotton: Plant bug numbers are spotty. Remember that we want at least 80% first fruit retention going into bloom. Whiteflies are building. The rain that went through this week should have beat them back some but we still need to be vigilant in scouting for them. Nematode problems are starting to show. Water demand really…
May planted cotton should be squaring and getting close to bloom, if it’s not there already. Bloom usually occurs 9 weeks after planting and water requirements begin to approach peak demand during this time. Water is critical during the “first flower to first open boll” phase. This growth stage takes place between 9-17 weeks after…
Happy 4th of July! I know I’ll be on the grill Saturday night. Enjoy the 4th weekend and please try not to set yourselves on fire with fireworks. Peanuts: Disease time and conditions are coming. I haven’t found or heard of white mold yet but it is coming, especially when the temperatures start lingering above…
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