Cotton: Whiteflies and spider mites are becoming a problem with all of this hot and dry weather. Target spot is a concern and needs to be scouted, I haven’t found any in Tifton yet but conditions are right. I have also found a few places where stinkbugs are getting close to threshold. I’ve talked to some of you who have already laid down some stinkbug sprays. For more stinkbug information reference this page,

Peanuts: Stay on timely on your fungicide intervals. White mold and leafspot love it hot and dry. If it stays dry, it will push the white mold underground. Peanuts are looking really good county wide.
Pecans: Now is the time for pecan leaf samples. When it comes to pecans, soil samples are good for determining pH but leaf tissue samples are a great tool to accurately give your nutrient levels. Using soil and leaf samples together lets you match your fertilizer applications with the actual needs of the tree rather than just shooting in the dark. This provides an excellent opportunity to save a lot of money on fertilizer costs.
Corn: Southern corn rust is all over the South and in Tift County. Hard dough corn is safe but less mature corn is not.