August 2020
Cotton: Boll rot is in every field I go into. We currently have 4 types across the southern part of the state. Colletotrichum and Diplodia boll rot seem most common while bacterial boll rot and Phytophthora boll rot are the least common. Key takeaways from boll rot: Lower bolls are affected first because of their…
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Sorry I didn’t get a post up last week. It was a whirlwind. Cotton: Target spot and some boll rot are showing up. Areolate mildew is also said to be lurking around but I haven’t found any yet. Target Spot can defoliate the plant which in certain situations will decrease yield. Peanuts: Hits of white…
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Its time to start blasting some peanuts.
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Cotton: Stemphylium Leaf Spot is starting to rear its head. This hot and dry weather saps the potassium out of the plant which opens sit up to stemphylium. Not much we can do about it now, there are no fungicide options for stemphylium. Peanuts: I’m seeing more and more Tomato Spotted Wilt (TSWV). The heavy…
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Its time to see who has the best! Get your hay entries in before September 1st.